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Showing posts with the label laptop

Woman completes college exam — while in labor!

A pregnant mother enrolled in college courses wasn't going to let labor get in the way of taking a college exam. Tommitrise Collins went into labor on November 12, and her sister posted a photo on her Facebook page showing Tommitrise in a hospital bed with her laptop open in front of her. Apparently, her contractions were three minutes apart, but that did little to deter her from completing the test. The post has been shared more than 14,000 times. Shortly after finishing the exam, Tommitrise delivered a healthy baby girl, weighing 7 lbs, 10 oz. Without a doubt, this woman's dedication to her studies is commendable. But some people assert that pictures of people in labor have no place on Facebook. They feel such content is personal in nature and should be kept out of the public eye. I think some people go great lengths to keep people apprised of everything going on in their lives -- and sometimes they may step over the line a bit. What was Collins' sister motiva...

What would you do if... were told that you had to rid yourself of all your possessions (excluding food, drink, water, medicine, clothing, and other essentials) -- except for only one . Which one item would you keep? Remember, we're talking about things that would be considered non-essentials -- wants rather than needs. You could only stay with one. I'll break the ice. As hard as it would be to kiss my beloved books goodbye, I think I would choose either my cell phone or laptop. Keeping one not only ensures I have the means to contact others, but I can use either the phone or laptop to avail of free Wi-Fi at a nearby Starbucks or McDonald's. Such gadgets also offer great entertainment value in the sense you can use them to play games and listen to music. As if that weren't enough, they have more practical applications, e.g., you can create Word documents on them. I realize there's no easy answer here. For example, men would have to forego things like porn and condoms; wom...