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Showing posts with the label settling down

Don't fall for THIS kind of person

When it comes to romance, we all have different taste. And that's definitely a good thing, because otherwise we'd be chasing after the same people! Some of us are attracted to tall people. Some of us like quiet and bookish. Still others are drawn to gregarious athletic types. There is, however, a certain type of individual you should never fall in love with, and that is the kind who doesn't seem to know what they want in a partner. You never know where you stand with these people. No sooner do they give you the impression that they're interested in finally settling down with you than they back away. They're afraid of commitment -- plain and simple. They appear to always keep an eye out for "something better" that may come along. Just when you think you're becoming a priority in their life, you realize you're still an option. Unfortunately, some of us can't help but fall for people who turn out to be this way. In the beginning, they ...