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Showing posts with the label dictate

Don't let others dictate your happiness

How often have you acted against your own instincts just to secure someone's approval? How frequently do you allow others' idea of happiness become your own? You're not in the minority if you concede you've done the above more times than you could count.  Indeed, we tend to assign a disproportionate amount of weight to other people's opinions and judgments, leaving us sulking when we feel we've failed to meet their expectations. But it's important to remind ourselves whose validation ultimately matters. That's right, our own. It's not to say that your sister's opinion, neighbor's suggestion, or co-workers feedback should be discounted entirely. Other people's input can certainly give a us a feel for how others approach a given situation given their unique life experiences.  But if we're not careful, we may become so dependent on their two cents that they're the ones who will be in the driver's seat of our lives. You wouldn...

Don't let other people stop you

Don't let other people stop you from achieving your goals. Don't let other people stop you from fulfilling your potential. Don't let others stop you from doing whatever makes you happy. Don't let others stop you from crying, venting, or defending yourself when you need to. Do whatever your gut tells you to do. Others may not like it, but it's your life. No one knows you like you know yourself, so they have absolutely no right to dictate your choices for you. You may be worried that leaving your job for another will inconvenience your boss. You may be concerned that breaking up with your boyfriend, even if you know in your heart that it's the right thing to, will hurt him, so you hold back. You might be skittish about buying the house down the street rather than the one on the next block that your doting aunt recommended. Guess what? It isn't even about other people. You have the power to make decisions in your life without others' conse...

Trust YOUR gut!

Did you notice how I put the word "your" in all caps? That was done for a reason. All of us have had family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances -- some well-meaning, and others not so much -- try to impose their opinions, feelings, and beliefs on us. But others' instincts should never override our own . After all, no one knows us better than we know ourselves. I often tell my readers that the best tool in their arsenal for navigating the world is none other than their gut. I have found my gut to be invaluable in guiding me to make sound decisions. Whether I've had to choose between different job opportunities or love interests, following my instinct has usually led to the best outcome.  I'm sure you've made decisions that, in hindsight, wound up being the wrong ones, prompting you to say wistfully, "If only I had listened to my gut." But listening to your instinct isn't easy when you have a cacophony of voices...