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Showing posts with the label tactful

Don't let people put you in a bad mood

How many times have you allowed someone's off-color remarks affect your mood? Maybe it's a tasteless remark they made about your weight, or an insensitive comment regarding your job or wardrobe. Maybe they didn't mean for their remark to come across as rude or insensitive. Or, perhaps this individual has a habit of not saying things in a tactful manner. Whatever the circumstance, it's important not to let people get under your skin. You never really know what's going on in people's heads. They may very well be the type who tries to compensate for their own insecurities by pointing out others perceived shortcomings. Whether you're dealing with an obnoxious coworker or an acquaintance who has no filter, you can't let what they said eat away at you. Let it go! If you're not careful, you may find yourself dwelling on it for hours, inducing feelings of bitterness and tempting you to retort with a scathing remark of your own that you might ...

Don't be anyone's doormat

Don't allow anyone -- from your closest friend to your worst enemy -- to step all over you. No matter the circumstance, you are as deserving of the other person's respect as they are of yours. If you're in a relationship with someone who thinks they can run roughshod over you because you've spoiled them rotten, it's time to establish new ground rules or get out of the relationship. Otherwise, you'll continue to be taken for granted. Similarly, if your friend seems to remember you exist only when they need something, make it clear to them that there is no such thing as a friendship built on selfishness. As with relationships, both people should reciprocate time and effort. If your toxic boss is convinced you'll put up with anything just to keep your job, prove him or her wrong by arranging a closed-door conversation. Impress upon them that they have absolutely no right to treat you like garbage, and hint that you'll take your skills and experie...

Here's what you should tell nosy people

The next time someone tries prying into your affairs, tell them to mind their own business ! Easier said than done, right?  Sometimes the situation and people involved call for a more tactful approach. You wouldn't tell the person off if it's your boss or in-law. So what is someone to do if they don't people meddling in their lives? What always works for me is simply changing the subject. Once you see they're attempting to dig up personal details on your life, talk about any other topic to take the focus off of you -- whether it's the weather, sports, or food. What's so ironic about nosy people is that they tend to be very interested in others' lives but very secretive about their own. It goes without saying that you should never divulge confidential information to these individuals. Before you know it, they've gone and told the whole block, even if you've sworn them to secrecy. One of the nosiest questions I'm asked is how much I...

Don't let ANYONE put you down

The last thing you should tolerate from anyone is disrespect. Even if you're at fault, it doesn't give someone the right to disparage you. Part of being an adult is talking civilly with others. In order to earn people's respect, you need to stand up for yourself, or else you'll continue to fall victim to their insolence. This applies to everyone in our lives -- strangers, friends, co-workers, partners, even children. I'm in no way suggesting that you return in kind the impertinent behavior. By berating the individual, you're simply stooping down to his or her level. Rather, we should speak tactfully, if forcefully. It's not always easy to reach that fine line, but we can get there with ample practice. All of us are deserving of others' respect. If we make a mistake, we have no choice but to deal with the consequences. However, that does not entitle someone to denigrate us, let alone in public or around friends and family. If the other person is t...

Should our partners dictate how much we weigh?

In many relationships, partners are particularly finicky about how much they feel their partner should weigh. As someone who prefers curvier women, I'll admit that I've told my wife I prefer she not get too skinny . But it seems most women (and men, for that matter) have the opposite dilemma: their partners insist that they keep their weight at or below a certain threshold. Notice how I used the word "prefer" above when referring to my wife's weight. If she chooses to lose more than I'd like, that's really her decision. I won't love her any less for it. If she were to gain weight, I'd still love her just the same. I would never put pressure on her to cater to my preferences. I might only become more emphatic in my desire that she gain or lose weight if I see her going too far in one direction. When health becomes a serious concern, that's when I'll make sure she hears me loud and clear. I think it's perfectly normal for our part...