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Showing posts with the label good things

Do whatever sets your soul on fire

Whether your idea of excitement is jumping off an airplane, cooking up exotic dishes, playing music in a band, or merely staying at home reading a gripping book, you should do whatever lights up your soul. Life is too short to set our passions aside for a rainy day. Do them today. Do them now! Focusing on those things we love to do not only makes us happier, it keeps us from dwelling on the negative. Believe it or not, directing one's attention to something positive (e.g., a funny meme or an inspiring video) over the course of the day can make the difference between a decent day and an abysmal one. Distractions can be our friends. Those who insist they don't have the time to cultivate their passions are just making excuses for themselves. We can all squeeze in a little time for hobbies, even if only a few minutes each week. We all have our problems and worries, and, as much as we'd like to, we can't just sweep them under the rug. Still, we can't allow th...

Care what people think of you? Read THIS

Would you care as much about what people think of you if I told you that people, in the grand scheme of things, don't think of you as much as you think they do? That goes for all of us. In general, human beings are very self-conscious. We assume people are looking at or talking about us when they're really not. We presume they're thinking about what we're eating or wearing when that may not be the case. Let's face it: people have more than enough to occupy their mind. From our jobs to kids to bills, we have more important fish to fry than other's dressing and eating habits. Mind you, there are people -- we see them in the workplace all the time -- who do expatiate on such topics, but it's the exception rather than the rule. There's nothing wrong with caring about how you come across to others, but some people take it to an extreme. They spend beyond their means to buy the most expensive clothes, jewelry, and cars in hopes of impressing othe...

Smile -- great things are coming your way!

Don't let your or others' negativity get in the way of your happiness. If you're feeling down about anything -- no matter what it is -- tomorrow is a new day. While things might seem a little bleak now, your luck can change at a moment's notice. That's why we must never lose hope or faith. The more positive you are, the more likely you are to induce favorable events. You bump into the right person at the right time. Your resume gets into the hands of someone you know. Your hard work is finally noticed and you score that elusive promotion. But great things will only come your way if you believe deep down that they're possible. And, of course, it's incumbent on you to take the steps necessary so that those things can become a reality. You won't meet the right person by staying holed up in your apartment all the time. You won't get the promotion unless you promote your accomplishments. Never should we expect things to simply fall in our lap. Thu...

What does this quote mean to you?

Tonight's quote comes from Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States. They called him "Honest Abe" for a reason, as Lincoln gave us some of the most relatable and profound quotes on record. Here's yet another one with which most of us will probably concur: "I have come to realize that people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln What I think Lincoln is trying to say is that happiness is largely a state of mind -- it's mostly mental. Think about those days where one thing goes wrong -- say, you lose your job or break up with your boyfriend -- and it seemingly casts a shadow over your life for quite some time. While going through this, how often do we really stop and say, "Hey, cheer up. There are people out there who have it worse. I am happy this happened, as it gives me an opportunity to improve my life. I will find an even better partner or job." Not too often, right? Some pe...