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Showing posts with the label bed

Doing this can reduce depression

Did you know that simply sleeping and waking one hour earlier can cut the risk of depression? An earlier four-year study of 32,000 nurses who called themselves "early risers" had found that they were 27 percent less likely to develop depression symptoms. But newer research has homed in on how exactly shifting someone's sleep schedule can potentially affect them. Researchers collected data on over 800,000 people, including which hours of the day they were predisposed to prefer (also known as their chronotype). They determined that going to bed merely an hour earlier is associated with significantly lower risk of depression. So if someone who usually hits the sack at 11 p.m. instead goes to bed at midnight and sleeps for the same duration, they could lower their risk by 23 percent. The effect could potentially be almost twice that if shifted by two hours. The researchers aren't quite sure why they are getting these results, but it could have something to do with light a...

Is dating easier for women than men?

The dating world has left many men utterly disillusioned. Despite the fact that they seem to be doing everything right -- they have a good job, drive a nice car, and look their very best -- they continue to strike out with woman after woman. They perceive landing dates as being much more arduous for them than it is for the women they're after, who seem to reject potential suitors at will.  But is dating really an uphill climb for all men and a breezy walk in the park for all the ladies? I feel this view is a tad simplistic. If approaching this subject in the context of traditional gender roles -- where the man is the pursuer and is thereby forced to risk rejection -- it may seem like women are always in the driver's seat. After all, women get far more hits on dating apps/sites like Tinder, right? But this presupposes that women enjoy all the attention they're getting, and that just isn't the case. For one, women don't find all the men reach...

MUST-READ: You won't believe what this guy did!

Jasper Fiorenza, 24, was arrested after the owner of the home he was trying to burglarize in Florida caught him in the act. When the victim awoke to find Fiorenza standing at the foot of her bed, she yelled for him to get out of her house, but he didn’t run. Instead, he crouched at the end of her bed and pet her cat! The victim again yelled at Fiorenza to get out of her house. He stood up, said “Hey” and started to amble out of her house. Undercover detectives followed Fiorenza as he went back to the victim’s property on Wednesday, when he was arrested. Detectives identified Fiorenza by a fingerprint on the victim’s bedroom door. He told police that he “must have been drunk." He was arrested and charged with burglary of an occupied dwelling and resisting arrest without violence. As a condition of his bond, the judge required that Fiorenza refrain from contacting the victim and wear a GPS tracking device. I'm glad the lady who spotted the intrepid thief in her h...

Why do some women refuse to initiate sex?

Some of my male friends have posed this question to me countless times. The truth is, I share their plight. My wife, whom I've been with for over 10 years now, has never been one to initiate sex. Like my frustrated buddies, I found myself perplexed over the issue for many years. Eventually, I came to grips with the fact that no two women are built the same, especially when it concerns sex. There are a host of reasons as to why some women remain pursuees rather than pursuers. For one, some women have lower sex drives than others and find themselves unable to keep up with their partner's demands. Second, their disinterest in inititating sex may stem from their upbringing. Girls are taught from an early age that they should neither fawn over a man nor be too sexually forward. It is ingrained in these women that showing sexual interest is a man's job. They tend to keep their sexual desires under wraps lest they be labeled sluts or whores. While society gives men a pat on ...