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Showing posts with the label time for ourselves

Here's something we should ALL be doing more...

Have you noticed how some people would rather stay home than have to go anywhere by themselves? To them, the thought of flying solo to catch a movie, eat at McDonald's, or amble around the park seems almost alien. But studies I read about just yesterday reveal that we often underestimate the level of enjoyment we would get out of doing things by ourselves versus with other people. Perhaps it's understandable that you wouldn't want to, say, visit a luxurious restaurant or go on a trip to Walt Disney World all by your lonesome. But what's really the harm in enjoying a little "me" time at the library, gym, or store? In an earlier post this year, I mentioned that this phenomenon often plays out at work. Three of my co-workers will not mosey over to the cafeteria to grab coffee until they're all present. If one of them isn't coming into the office that day, the other two will try to get someone else to fill his or her place. I'm not sure when ...