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Showing posts with the label Hope for best

A tip for handling uncertainty and tough times

Many of us would say that we loathe uncertainty. If it were up to us, every day would play out like a familiar script. But there comes a time where we have no choice but to venture into unchartered waters -- whether it concerns landing a new job; grappling with a new health condition; or making a large purchase, such as a new home. Stress is inevitable. You're likely to second guess your decisions. And, worst of all, you're bound to start down the slippery slope of imagining the absolute worst. If these feelings aren't reined in, they can lead to adverse outcomes like anxiety and depression. While some might advise you to simply think positively, I think a far more effective approach is to hope for the best, but plan for the worst.  Think about it: What are the chances of the worst coming to pass? Very slim, of course. Usually we end up dreaming up scenarios in our head that come nowhere near reality. Still, there is always a slight possibility that the job ...

Hope for the best, plan for the worst

Whether it's preparing for a hurricane, building up an emergency savings account, or simply taking extra precautions when walking or driving late at night, you should hope for the best and plan for the worst. There's absolutely no harm in overpreparing -- being proactive so as to help prevent any unfavorable consequences in a given situation. As I once heard in a movie, the best defense is a good offense. It's better to be safe than sorry. I understand that if you play it too safe all the time, life can become rather dull and regimented. The key, as I've noted in countless posts, is to strike a healthy balance between fun and prudence. Go where the road takes you, but don't do it with a beer in hand and a dead cell phone. If you've drank, always be sure to have a designated driver. Don't wander the streets at night alone -- take someone with you or let others know where you're going. Indulge yourself every so often at the store, but only if y...