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Showing posts with the label self worth

Key Reasons We Buy Expensive Stuff

We often hear clichés like, "What others say about us doesn't matter," and "the only opinion about you that matters is your own." Noble, yes, but let's face it, folks. We DO care about what others think of us -- a lot. Case in point: Many of us spend a considerable amount of money on brand-name products. But why do we do this, exactly? There are two principal reasons: It makes us feel good: Ask consumers out there why they specifically zero in on premium brands and many will tell you that it simply makes them feel good. The fact that you own a $1,250 Louis Vuitton purse and none of your friends do might make you feel as if you're in a league of your own. This feeling of exclusivity can boost one's self-worth, self-esteem and, in some cases, self-aggrandizement.   We thrive on social acceptance: Compliments from other people provide an even bigger impetus for luxury spending. What drives people to buy items with big price tags is not so m...

Too many compliments can make us cocky

Studies show that too many compliments can go to your head -- and fast. I can vouch for the veracity of these studies, as I've experienced this firsthand and have seen a few friends change dramatically as a result of too many compliments. Let's face it: When people compliment us, it feels really good. Whether they're commending us on something we put together at work or complimenting us on our getup, compliments feed our egos and make us feel like a million bucks. They lead to increased feelings of self-worth and self-esteem. They validate something about us that we've likely put considerable effort into improving. People thrive on positive feedback from others; it gives us the impetus to continue striving for improvement. When I lost roughly 25 pounds in 2013, I started getting more looks from women at the gym and at work. It felt great considering the hours I was putting in at the gym and the willpower it took to cut back on my favorite goods. It's never fun...

Secret to Preventing and Canceling out Negative Thoughts

All of us are prone to getting bogged down by negative thoughts, most of which are triggered either by things that happen to us or things others do. For example, we have a tendency to become despondent as a result of having arguments with those closest to us, including our spouses and friends. As I have told some of my readers individually, you cannot -- I repeat, cannot -- let those negative thoughts trickle into your mind. As soon as they're there, it becomes very difficult to shake them off. Here's a tip you'll want to keep in your back pocket: As soon as you find those negative thoughts trying to get a hold on you, you can undo them by quickly thinking of positive things that make you happy, whether they be your kids smiling, puppies and kittens, a sun-drenched beach, or a strawberry sundae. You want your mind to be flooded with positive, feel-good thoughts rather than negative, injurious ones, don't you? Life is too short to allow people or situations tha...