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Showing posts with the label customer

Companies lose our business doing THIS

I made an appointment yesterday to get a haircut at my local barbershop. One of the reasons I switched from my old barbershop to this one was because I grew tired of having to wait 30 or more minutes for my turn despite my making an apppointment. Since making the switch about 8 months ago, I never had to wait more than 5 minutes to be attended. That all changed last night. Whether it was the fact that Valentine's Day is a couple of days away, or it just so happens that many people showed up at the same time on the same night, I had to wait close to an hour to be tended to. (Another woman made an appointment to get her hair dyed at 6:30, the same time I scheduled my appointment for.) I'm willing to look past this annoying incident given that, up until now, the place has never disappointed me. However, if this begins to happen more frequently, I won't be a happy camper. I spend so much time stuck in traffic each day (an hour to work and another hour going hom...

You WON'T believe what this tipsy guy did...

What would you do if you worked as a waitress at a restaurant and received a $1,000 tip one day? Would you think it was a mistake and try to track down the person who left the exorbitant sum? Or would you pocket the money and go about your business? Skye Seumptewa found herself in such a conundrum when she opened the ticket book left by a customer and noticed it contained more than $1,000. She assumed right out of the gate that he'd made a blunder, and her suspicions were confirmed when the individual returned the next day to get his money back. The man was eating at Thailicious, a restaurant in Edgewater, Colorado. The story goes that he ordered a meal and a few glasses of wine at the bar. Shortly after he made his way out of the restaurant, Seumptewa noticed the wad of bills left inside. Some of the restaurant employees got excited, recalling stories of people who have left generous tips at restaurants. Even so, it seemed a tad too generous; the employees agreed that the ...

IMPORTANT grocery shopping tip to save you money

Here's some food for thought: To my dismay, when I go to the grocery store, I often see people grab products nearest them -- the ones placed at the very front of each shelf -- without thinking twice about it. Whether due to laziness or just plain ignorance, they are putting in their carts items that are potentially nearing expiration. Grocery chains follow the "first in, first out rule." They obviously want to get rid of older inventory first, so they make those more prominent so that consumers are more likely to get them. Newer goods, on the other hand, are placed toward the back of the shelf. Many people arrange their items similarly at home so that they lessen the chances of items going bad. You can probably guess where I'm going with this. As consumers, we want the most bang for our buck, and that means buying the freshest items with the longest shelf lives. Whether you're buying milk, bread, or other perishable foods, you'll want to reach for it...

Stripper refuses paid sex...but it gets better

After a stripper refused paid sex at a strip club in Florida, the unsatisfied customer demanded that she be arrested. I won't bore you with the details, but he paid her $300 expecting far more than she was willing to give. When she made it clear she wasn't going to budge, he demanded his money back, but the stripper refused to give in. A police officer eventually stepped in, and the customer finally stormed off thereafter. It's really a shame how so many women have to resort to such a lifestyle in order to pay the bills. My friends took me to a strip club for my bachelor party two years ago. Frankly, I felt uncomfortable the whole time I was there, and I felt especially bad for the strippers. The looks on their faces clearly conveyed that they didn't want to be there. They likely feel ashamed having to throw themselves at the beer-guzzling patrons day in and day out. Why they remain there is anyone's guess, but I hope that these women see and are aiming toward...