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Showing posts with the label Nosy people

Here's what you should tell nosy people

The next time someone tries prying into your affairs, tell them to mind their own business ! Easier said than done, right?  Sometimes the situation and people involved call for a more tactful approach. You wouldn't tell the person off if it's your boss or in-law. So what is someone to do if they don't people meddling in their lives? What always works for me is simply changing the subject. Once you see they're attempting to dig up personal details on your life, talk about any other topic to take the focus off of you -- whether it's the weather, sports, or food. What's so ironic about nosy people is that they tend to be very interested in others' lives but very secretive about their own. It goes without saying that you should never divulge confidential information to these individuals. Before you know it, they've gone and told the whole block, even if you've sworn them to secrecy. One of the nosiest questions I'm asked is how much I...

How to Understand Nosy People

Whether it's your mother-in-law, coworker, or neighbor, we each know someone who can't help but be a little nosy. The phrase "mind your own business" seems to have been invented specifically for these folks. They like drama, dirt, the juicy stuff. Though all of us can be nosy at times, some people take his to a whole new level. My biggest pet peeve is when people ask me questions of a personal nature but then fail to disclose anything personal about themselves. If you feel someone is being a bit too intrusive, tell him straight out that it's making you feel uncomfortable. If you'd rather not answer questions being thrown your way, feel free to dodge them and change the subject. People will get the point. I sometimes feel as though some people don't have anything exciting going on in their lives, and so they proceed to probe into other people's business. It's best you stand firm and put a stop to it early on -- or else they'll think you...