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Showing posts with the label ruby

A guy went to prom with... (you WON'T believe it!)

Sam Steingard couldn't find a date for his high school prom, so he took -- who else? -- his cat Ruby! Steingard's mother bought the cat a dress and a sparkly collar for the occasion, and the two took plenty of pictures together. Ten years ago, Ruby was spotted behind a Ruby Tuesday's restaurants, and that's how the name came about. The family and their neighbors only have great things to say about the feline. As it turns out, she's very friendly and loves people. She and Sam share a very intimate bond. When he was younger, she'd walk with him to school, and once they'd arrived, she'd walk herself home and meet him there after school. Same enjoys talking to her in a baby voice and giving her well-deserved treats. There's no question that Sam wasn't too jaded about not finding a human date for the prom -- little did he know the "purr-fect" one was at home! Do you feel this young man was nuts to do such a thing?  Do you think it...