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Showing posts with the label founding father

14 Things You May Not Know About Alexander Hamilton

When you hear the phrase "Founding Fathers," the phrase commonly used to describe the cadre of brilliant politicians and statesmen who played a pivotal role in securing American independence and building a new nation, whom comes to mind? Many people will automatically throw out names like George Washington, the first U.S. president; Thomas Jefferson, who most know as the author of the Declaration of Independence; and Benjamin Franklin, renowned for his long hair, bifocals, and myriad inventions.  But few people know much about Alexander Hamilton beyond the fact that he appears on the $10 bill, if that.  To be honest, I knew little of Hamilton until reading a special issue of TIME magazine titled "Alexander Hamilton: A Founding Father's Visionary Genius -- and His Tragic Fate." I finished it just this morning and gained invaluable insight into the fascinating life of this underrated figure in American history.  In this post, I'd like to share ...

5 Facts You Didn't Know About Benjamin Franklin

When most people think of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), they think of a bespectacled, older-looking Founding Father of the United States who also happened to dream up some pretty neat inventions.  I find him to be the most fascinating of the Founding Fathers, alongside Thomas Jefferson. Not only were these guys masters in the art of politics, they each went on to design everything from buildings to stoves. In essence, it could be argued they statesmen as much as they were inventors.  In this post, I'd like to share five interesting facts about Franklin that I recently dug up. If you already knew these or would like to share any others not mentioned here, please feel free to do so in the comments section.  1. Franklin designed a musical instrument used by musical geniuses Mozart and Beethoven. Franklin designed what he dubbed a “glass armonica,” an instrument meant to replicate the distinct sound that a wet finger makes when rubbed along the rim of a glass. ...

What does this quote mean to YOU?

Today's quote comes from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), whose impressive resume includes everything from Founding Father of the United States and printer to author, scientist, and diplomat. "Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning." - Benjamin Franklin This one is a lot easier to decipher than prior quotes I've featured on the blog. Perhaps Franklin's quote predated a similar one we've come to know quite well: "Actions speak louder than words." I couldn't agree more with Franklin, and he would know this better than most as he himself worked in the political arena. We all have stories of encountering politicians or salesmen great at schmoozing with the public but once you try to dig deeper you're hard-pressed to find anything profound. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. They fail to back up their words with concrete steps toward achieving whatever it is they've promised. Very rarely do I ever take someon...

Quote of the Day -- What Do You Think?

Today's quote of the day comes from Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). Not only was he was the third president of the United States, but the revered Founding Father also wrote the Declaration of Independence, founded the University of Virginia, and pulled off the Louisiana Purchase, among other notable accomplishments. "It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness." - Thomas Jefferson I think what Thomas Jefferson was trying to say in a nutshell is that it's the simple things in life that truly hold value and brings us true joy. Reading a great book, taking a tranquil walk around the park, connecting with nature, petting your cat -- it's these simple moments that makes us the happiest, yet we often take them for granted. Instead, we become overly focused on acquiring more and more material possessions, being promoted into jobs that require longer hours and thus more time away from our families, and so on. I think th...