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Showing posts with the label let you down

When people say they'll be there for you, but aren't

Have you ever trusted someone to be there when you need them, only to see them bolt when things really start to fall apart? Maybe you needed advice during your tumultous divorce, a place to stay after the passing of your spouse, or a few bucks after being laid off that you promised to pay back. Yep, we've all been there. It's plain to see why this can be so hurtful. Not only did they leave you in the lurch, but they clearly demonstrated their actions didn't mirror their words. Essentially, they lied, and maybe you can't imagine ever trusting them again -- and rightly so. But we can't give these people the satisfaction of seeing us all bent out of shape, as it will convey that they have us emotionally wrapped around their finger. We ought to remind ourselves that for every person who betrays us, there's one out there who will stand behind us no matter what life throws our way -- whether it be a close friend, reliable neighbor, or caring cousin. Th...

The only one who can fill your emptiness is...

The only person who can fill that empty feeling you have is none other than you . Don't look to your friends or family, for their company works only as a temporary band-aid. Friends come and go. While many of them may genuinely care and worry about you, they'll only go so far to help you out. They have their own problems to tend to. You're the only one you can count on 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to keep your spirits up. Your friends and family can't be there for you each and every time you feel a little blue. Many of us have been led astray into thinking that others make our life complete, but this couldn't be farther from the truth. You complete your life all on your own; others merely enhance it. If you're feeling empty or depressed, take a deep breath and look inward -- not outward for solace. The key to your happiness lies within you. Perhaps you worry too much about others and not enough about yourself. Maybe taking up a new hobby -- w...

Here's what you should never expect others to do

One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to have high expectations of other people. Simply put, we expect people to think or act like us in a given situation,  but wind up disappointed when it doesn't pan out. This can lead us to put our thinking caps on and probe into the possible reasons why this individual failed to live up to our expectations. We can drive ourselves batty doing this! I'm here to give you a tip you should always keep in mind -- one that will serve you well in life, whether you're dealing with your boss, friends, or partner: Instead of expecting people to keep their word and come through for you all the time, expect them to let you down instead.  That way, when they do deliver as promised, you'll be pleasantly promised. When they don't, well, it isn't like it'll catch you by surprise, right? This is my own strategy for preemptively priming myself for the worst-case scenario. People who do this are what you'd call proactive ...