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Showing posts with the label consumer psychology

CAN'T-MISS Advice and Tips!

My psychology blog, How to Understand People , has now garnered a whopping 150,000 views  -- a remarkable feat for a site that came into being only two years ago. I want to thank everyone for reading, commenting on, and resharing my posts. Without my readers' support, I would have never amassed this many hits in such a short period of time. I continue to urge my readers to share these posts with friends and family so that they, too, can benefit from my advice and tips, which touch on subjects ranging from social psychology to relationships to consumer behavior. I also feature intermittent posts that include history fun facts and others that highlight and examine famous quotes from historic figures. Here are 10 of my most popular posts from the last couple of months: Why cheating should never be tolerated Here's a trick to make people like you... Why you should NEVER take back a cheater SECRET: Why people judge you Life is what YOU make of it Do what makes YO...

Life isn't about reality. It's about this...

Just last Friday, my boss and I sat down for my annual review. She had great things to say, including the fact that she has seen me "grow immensely" in the last year or two. Mind you, I've been with the company for close to five years. It isn't as if she went by hard data or any accomplishment lists to arrive at such a conclusion, for I provided none. I don't work any harder than I did a couple of years ago. So why is she so certain that I've demonstrated growth on the job? I think perception  -- the state of becoming aware of something through the senses -- is at play here. What is perceived as real can be more powerful than reality itself . The lenses through which we each see the world are dissimilar. I may perceive you to be a shy, rude, or arrogant person, but perhaps your neighbor views you as warm and happy-go-lucky. You may be phoning it at your job or in your relationship, but as long as your boss or partner "thinks" you're put...

110,000 Views and Counting!

Thanks to your support, How to Understand People continues to garner views at meteoric levels! The blog launched in the summer of 2014 and continues to draw people from all corners of the internet -- from Facebook users to message board posters -- who are interested in reading about and discussing human behavior. My readers say they love delving into why people act and think in certain ways and exploring the wide array of topics I cover, from personality and relationships to consumer psychology. They also say they've found my advice and tips to be most helpful in their lives. In addition, many have also told me that they appreciate my intermittent posts on figures in history, as it allows them to learn about people and decisions that forever changed the world. If we don't learn from past mistakes -- whether committed by ourselves or other people -- we're doomed to repeat them. As always, I encourage you weigh in on every post that I submit. Share your thoughts and qu...

OOPS: Here's how you've been tricked by retailers

How many times have you gone into a store and seen signs that say something along these lines: "Supplies running fast!" "Buy them before they're gone!" "Only 5 left!" "Sale ends soon!" Now, be honest: How many times did you go through with the purchase because you believed what the signage said to be true? Yep, even I've fallen for it myself, and I actually majored in marketing and minored in psychology! In marketing and consumer psychology, it's what we call the scarcity principle : Consumers attach more value to things that are few in quantity and thus feel more compelled to purchase such items. But this isn't limited to brick-and-mortar stores -- companies also use this marketing tactic online. Take At some point, you're bound to come across an item whose description includes "Only 3 left in stock. Order soon." Companies seldom run out of inventory, unless we're talking about much...

Key Reasons We Buy Expensive Stuff

We often hear clichés like, "What others say about us doesn't matter," and "the only opinion about you that matters is your own." Noble, yes, but let's face it, folks. We DO care about what others think of us -- a lot. Case in point: Many of us spend a considerable amount of money on brand-name products. But why do we do this, exactly? There are two principal reasons: It makes us feel good: Ask consumers out there why they specifically zero in on premium brands and many will tell you that it simply makes them feel good. The fact that you own a $1,250 Louis Vuitton purse and none of your friends do might make you feel as if you're in a league of your own. This feeling of exclusivity can boost one's self-worth, self-esteem and, in some cases, self-aggrandizement.   We thrive on social acceptance: Compliments from other people provide an even bigger impetus for luxury spending. What drives people to buy items with big price tags is not so m...

Why it's better to use cash than credit cards

In the battle between paper and plastic, paper is the undisputed winner. Consumer psychologists have found that people are less likely to splurge when they only use cash. And this makes perfect sense. It's always easier to limit yourself to a predetermined amount when using dollar bills. Once you run out of them, you have no choice but to run to the ATM for more. In the case of credit cards, we can have a credit limit of, say, $8,000, a fact not lost on us when we're at the mall. Thus, we feel less predisposed to put the brakes on our purchases when we know we can just swipe the card countless times. Using cash also "stings" more because you actually feel like you're losing something. You can open your wallet or purse and see that your hard-earned cash is no longer there. With credit cards, you can postpone feeling the sting until you receive your bill in the mail, which is what the vast majority of consumers would rather do. Let's not forget that ca...

Blog is Now Called "How to Understand People"

"Relationship Tips and Relationship Advice" is now " How to Understand People. " I decided to rename the blog " How to Understand People ," a name that I feel better captures what the purpose of this really site is: To explore the reasons why we and those around us behave in certain ways. We know human behavior largely depends on context and various situational factors, which we'll explore in detail here. Yes, the blog will continue to provide handy relationship tips and advice, but I feel the new name broadens the scope of the site to include such fascinating topics as nonverbal communication, positive signs being displayed by potential suitors on dates and would-be supervisors during job interviews, and much more. We will touch on a wide array of subjects that fall under different branches in the field of psychology, such as: Consumer psychology Social psychology Personality psychology Relationship psychology Organizational psychology An...