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Showing posts with the label misguided

How to know if you're settling for LESS

The expression "settling for less" gets thrown around quite loosely, but what many people fail to realize is that it is entirely subjective. One's idea of settling less may not jibe with someone else's. While you may perfectly content with a GUESS purse, your gaudy friend may feel you're settling for less unless you opt for a more luxurious brand, like Coach or Louis Vuitton. Or, while you're happy to hook up with average-looking but highly intelligent guys, your sister may insist that you're settling for less unless you set your sights on guys who are a "9" or better in the appearance department. Furthermore, you may be told you can do better if you are not the CEO of your company, but what if you're happy having a less taxing, lower-paying job if it means spending more quality time with friends and family? This type of thinking is seriously misguided. The fact is that people have different tastes and disparate desires. Some of...

Trust YOUR gut!

Did you notice how I put the word "your" in all caps? That was done for a reason. All of us have had family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances -- some well-meaning, and others not so much -- try to impose their opinions, feelings, and beliefs on us. But others' instincts should never override our own . After all, no one knows us better than we know ourselves. I often tell my readers that the best tool in their arsenal for navigating the world is none other than their gut. I have found my gut to be invaluable in guiding me to make sound decisions. Whether I've had to choose between different job opportunities or love interests, following my instinct has usually led to the best outcome.  I'm sure you've made decisions that, in hindsight, wound up being the wrong ones, prompting you to say wistfully, "If only I had listened to my gut." But listening to your instinct isn't easy when you have a cacophony of voices...