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Showing posts with the label Americans

Did you know this word means THIS?

If I asked you what the definition of the word "ape" is, you'd likely say it's a large primate like a gorilla or orangutan. But do you know what "ape" means as a verb? I came cross the word in the book I'm currently reading, Alexander Hamilton , where the author states that, despite having gained their independence from the mother country, many Americans were still "aping" the customs of the British even toward the end of the 18th century. Before that, I hadn't seen the word used in a similar context since my college days. Per my trusty dictionary, it means to imitate the behavior or manner of someone or something, often in an absurd or unthinking way. Synonyms for ape include mimic, copy, parrot, and parody. Did you know the definition for "ape" before reading this post?

These anti-Trump protests are UNNECESSARY

And this is coming from someone who voted for Hillary Clinton. The election is over. Done. Finished. Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States, whether these protesters like it or not. It's time we move on and end this bitter diviseness that has greatly fractured our country. While people have a right to feel dissatisfied with the outcome, holding protests does nothing to unify us as a country. When Obama was elected in 2008, I don't remember seeing people marching on the streets, destroying property, and burning Obama in effigy. We should be aiming to heal the wounds that this election has left, not aggravating them. As long as the media pressing on with its reporting of these mass demonstrations, people's attention will continue to be diverted from the issues that really count -- the economy and terrorism among them. President Obama and Hillary Clinton struck a conciliatory tone in their speeches yesterday, with the former saying that w...

SHOCKING statistic about Americans

I recently read an article stating that 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. What's worse, 21% of them don't even have a savings account! Supposedly, Americans have been saving more since the global recession, but the stat above doesn't seem to bear that out. One of the most discussed topics on this forum is consumer behavior, as my background is in psychology and marketing. It's imperative that Americans -- and people throughout the world, for that matter -- practice saving responsibly. The best way to save money is by living below one's means. Spending hundreds of dollars on clothing and food every week doesn't help your pocketbook in any way,  especially if you have the tendency to run up your credit card bills and pay late. I'm not saying you can't treat yourself to a good meal here and there, but spending -- just like eating amd drinking -- should be done in moderation. As I tell many of my cash-strapped friends, sometimes ...