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Showing posts with the label choice of career

The Biggest Decisions We Make In Life

Ever wonder what the biggest decisions in your life will be? You know, the ones that can have the biggest ramifications on overall happiness and well-being? I've mulled this over quite a bit and have come up with what I believe to be the most important choices you'll ever make. 1. Choice of partner - Who you'll spend the rest of your life with certainly warrants some thought. After all, you will likely share finances, manage a household, and have children with this person. Unfortunately, as the high divorce rate shows, things may not always turn out as planned. 2. Whether to have children, and how many - The choice of whether to have kids can have life-altering implications. And if you decide to have them, you'll then have to ponder how many to bring into this world. Children bring happiness into a couple's life, but they can just as easily impose physical, emotional, and financial hardship. 3. Choice of career - Choosing the right field might not be as easy...