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Showing posts with the label inappropriate

When you feel like telling people to GET A ROOM...

I don't know about you, but I get annoyed when couples engage in too much PDA (public displays of affection). Whether it's excessive hugging or profuse kissing, it makes me want to shout, "Hey, get a room already!" I've seen this so many times at malls and movie theaters, with said couples often in their teens. It's as if they become oblivious to their environment, not letting anything get in the way of their groping or tongue-wrestling. What's worse, sometimes they reach for each other's butts and other private areas. I blame this, in part, on the parents. There's no reason these kids should be out that late in the first place. I recently learned that a mall near me is implementing a "curfew" policy where those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult after 9 p.m. I think every mall across the county should follow suit. Excessive PDA is disrespectful and inappropriate. It sends the wrong message to other people who may...

ANNOYING: The nosiest questions people can ask

We've all had people -- whether they be friends, neighbors, co-workers, or acquaintances -- ask us downright nosy questions that border on inappropriate. Here's a sampling of questions that might make you flinch: How much money do you make? How much money do you have saved up? How much did you pay for your home? At what age did you lose your virginity? Do you and your spouse/partner have a healthy sex life? Do you and your spouse/partner fight a lot? When are you going to have kids? (I addressed this one in a post this morning -- Are parents envious of the childfree? ) What health issues do you have? These are the kinds of questions I'd expect a shrink to ask of me, not Joe in accounting or the old lady who lives two houses down.  The worst offenders are the people who pry into your personal life, yet fail to divulge such details about their own lives.  If you ever run into a person like this, don't be afraid to politely change the subject. Or, j...