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Showing posts with the label gloomy

How rainy days can affect us

Many people absolutely loathe those dark, rainy days that, in their view, hold them hostage at home. They gripe that this prevents them from going to the mall, meeting up with friends for lunch at the cafe, hitting the gym, or crossing other things off their To Do Lists that necessitate venturing out. I see it quite differently, perhaps in part because I'm a writer. Inclement weather should be an excuse to stay home, all curled up with a good book and cup of coffee. If you're not a bibliophile, you can always catch a good flick while munching on popcorn. Or how about writing, painting, or napping to the sound of rain streaming down your window? Or, you can use the time to clean, do laundry, organize your drawers/closets, or take care of those other chores you continue to put off. As a proud, self-admitted introvert, I jump at any opportunity to stay holed up reading and writing in my home office, or watching knee-slapping shows with my wife in our cozy living ro...

Know what this word means?

The word of the day is sanguine . According to the dictionary, to be sanguine is to be optimistic, confident, or positive, especially in a bad or difficult situation. Other similar words include buoyant, enthusiastic, upbeat, and cheerful. I don't see sanguine being used that often. I first came across the word in a book I read recently. For whatever reason, it initially sounded to me like a word that could mean "sad" or "melancholy." Thus, to be sanguine is to look on the bright side -- to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. Antonyms of the word sanguine include gloomy, negative, and pessimistic. When we're in a tough spot, it certainly pays to remain sanguine. Positive thinking leads to positive outcomes. The more disposed we are toward shunning those negative thoughts that trickle into our mind, the better our chance at success. If you assume you're going to fail, you probably will. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Belie...

3 can't-miss tips to brighten your day

Feeling frustrated? Stressed? Gloomy? I've been there myself. Whether we're at work or home, it's normal for negative thoughts to permeate our thinking, leading to depression, anxiety, and other unpleasant health outcomes. Here are 3 proven tricks for turning that frown upside down: 1. Just smile: Research shows that merely smiling for no reason can raise your spirits in a big way. In fact, studies have found that when subjects smiled while talking to someone on the phone, the people on the other end perceived the subjects as being in a good mood. 2. Focus your attention on what makes you happy: Seeking out positive, feel-good stimuli allows you to mentally disconnect from your troubles, even if only for a minute or two. For example, I have always had a soft spot for animals. When I'm down in the dumps at work, nothing changes my attitude for the better like seeing pictures or videos of baby animals, whether they be kittens, puppies, or pandas. In your case, it mi...