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Showing posts with the label physically attractive

If you could read people's minds, would you...

...use your superpower to find out which people: - like or dislike you (among those you know, obviously) - find you physically attractive (among those you know as well as people you've never met before I think the first of the two is easier to infer without possessing said superpower. So I want to focus on the second exercise in this post. Imagine how many people you've seen in your life whom you've found physically attractive, but just never worked up the nerve to say anything -- and vice-versa. If men could see into women's minds and know which ones find them good looking, you can rest assured that many more people in the world would be getting dates -- and getting lucky, for that matter. Attraction is largely a guessing game. While some people are fairly proficient at picking up signals, others are flat-out clueless. Men are usually notoriously bad at gauging women's interest in them. Many assume that if a woman makes even brief eye contact, she must b...

We're more attracted to people who look like us

In observing the couples in my immediate circle -- be it friends, family, or co-workers -- I've made an observation that research in the field of psychology, incidentally, backs up: People pair up with those who resemble them physically. I'm sure there are always exceptions to this rule (like one partner being a lot younger than the other) but, in general, it seems people like hooking up with others who are in their same league looks-wise. Let's take Hollywood. You'd be hard-pressed to find the likes of Heidi Klum and Giselle with short, overweight men. Ever seen Leonardo DiCaprio with anyone who isn't drop dead gorgeous? Me neither. If both seem at opposite ends of the attractiveness spectrum, however, it may be a rare instance in which: Something other than looks brought them together -- maybe they've been friends from an early age The more attractive person stands to gain something from the pairing (money, perhaps?) Looks were never a factor (e.g. ...

Is it wrong to flirt while married or in a relationship?

Research suggests that many married men and women -- and even unmarried ones in serious relationships -- admit to flirting with other people. Now, flirting could mean anything from exchanging glances and smiles to complimenting what someone else is wearing. As we know, you don't even have to talk to someone to engage in flirting. So why is it that so many people who are married or in serious relationships do this? My theory is as follows: As much as we may love our partners, human beings get a tremendous high from being fancied by other people -- especially ones we find physically attractive. Let's face it: Even if we find our partner to be the most attractive person in the world, we can't help but feel physically attracted to others. While some people can keep the attraction they feel to themselves, others resort to the only way they can subtly convey it without full-blown cheating: flirting. I think people do this because sometimes they want to feel desired by s...