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Showing posts with the label bumps in the road

Life isn't perfect, but it is definitely THIS

While life isn't perfect, it is definitely what we make of it . Stop for a second and think about what that really means. How do we really make the most of our lives? Simply put, we recognize that although things won't always go our way, we refuse to let bumps in the road stop us from reaching our ultimate destination: happiness. People will disappoint us (and often such people will include ourselves). Crappy days at work are a certainty. We may run into financial and health problems here and there. And we're likely to see a venture or two fall through (e.g., launching a new business doesn't work out). But life isn't about what happens to you. It's what you do with what happens to you. In other words, we may not be able to control unfolding events, but we can control how we respond to them. Do you allow setbacks to knock you off course? Or do you use them as catalysts for achieving your goals? Do you let one obnoxious person ruin your day? Or do ...

Hope for the best, plan for the worst

Whether it's preparing for a hurricane, building up an emergency savings account, or simply taking extra precautions when walking or driving late at night, you should hope for the best and plan for the worst. There's absolutely no harm in overpreparing -- being proactive so as to help prevent any unfavorable consequences in a given situation. As I once heard in a movie, the best defense is a good offense. It's better to be safe than sorry. I understand that if you play it too safe all the time, life can become rather dull and regimented. The key, as I've noted in countless posts, is to strike a healthy balance between fun and prudence. Go where the road takes you, but don't do it with a beer in hand and a dead cell phone. If you've drank, always be sure to have a designated driver. Don't wander the streets at night alone -- take someone with you or let others know where you're going. Indulge yourself every so often at the store, but only if y...