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Showing posts with the label dates

The 5 biggest dating turn-offs

We've all been on terrible dates we have etched in our memory -- ones we wish we could undo with one snap of the fingers. When it comes to things that turn people off on dates, many people would agree that these rank pretty high on the list: 1. The person can't stop talking about themselves. They blather on about their car, job, or neighbor's cat, and you can't seem to get a word in edgewise no matter how hard you try. A person who's this self-absorbed and inconsiderate, needless to say, is not relationship material and should be weeded out. 2. They have bad manners. The first turn-off mentioned certainly falls into this camp. Beyond being a blabbermouth, the person might chew with their mouth open, look at their phone constantly, or flirt with the waiter/waitress. 3. They're argumentative. There's a fine line between putting your point across with conviction and trying to lock horns with your date just for the sake of proving you're right. 4...

Why men are clueless on how to attract women

Picture this: After a long drought on the dating front, Rachel's well-meaning friends and relatives are fixing her up on dates left and right. She's narrowed her options down to two guys: (1) Kevin, a wealthy tax attorney who calls and sends her romantic text messages several times a day, or (2) Alex, a self-confident but modestly paid construction worker who has more hobbies and talents than he can count with both hands. Whom do you think Rachel is more likely to go for? At first blush, one might be tempted to say Kevin, only because he seems to be on firmer financial ground. That may very well be the case if Rachel is an unapologetic gold digger. But chances are that she's taking several factors beyond his bank account into consideration.  Kevin can have all the money in the world, but if he has no self-confidence, Rachel is unlikely to be drawn to him. If there's one attribute most women want in a man, it's self-confidence . Boldness. One who...

IMPORTANT grocery shopping tip to save you money

Here's some food for thought: To my dismay, when I go to the grocery store, I often see people grab products nearest them -- the ones placed at the very front of each shelf -- without thinking twice about it. Whether due to laziness or just plain ignorance, they are putting in their carts items that are potentially nearing expiration. Grocery chains follow the "first in, first out rule." They obviously want to get rid of older inventory first, so they make those more prominent so that consumers are more likely to get them. Newer goods, on the other hand, are placed toward the back of the shelf. Many people arrange their items similarly at home so that they lessen the chances of items going bad. You can probably guess where I'm going with this. As consumers, we want the most bang for our buck, and that means buying the freshest items with the longest shelf lives. Whether you're buying milk, bread, or other perishable foods, you'll want to reach for it...

Want to project confidence and power? Do this...

Studies show that feeling more confident is as easy as changing your posture. Stop what you're doing for just a second and do the following: Stand with your legs and feet shoulder-width apart while placing your hands on your waist. Feel more empowered? Studies suggest that this position of power conveys dominance and determination. In fact, people assuming the pose prior to a date or job interview have reported feeling more confident throughout. While the pose can't be singled out as the sole reason for a good date or interview, people say it definitely helps. I wouldn't overdo it, though. Standing this way for extended periods of time might communicate that you're pompous and aim to call all the shots. As with all else in life, moderation is key! So the next time you're nervous about an upcoming speech, interview, or date, try this out and see if it works for you. Have you ever assumed this pose at work or anywhere else? Has it made you feel more conf...

Secret: Why men eat more when they dine with women

Can you take a wild guess as to why men might eat more in front of women? I'll give you a minute to think about it. OK, what did you come up with? Because the men are nervous? Guess again. Because being on a date makes them hungrier? Nope. Because they really don't like the women and are trying to turn them off? Not even close. According to a new study from Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab published in the medical journal Evolutionary Psychological Science , they are actually trying to impress women -- not turn them off. While women tend to eat less in the presence of men, the study found that men who ate with at least one woman consumed 92 percent more pizza and 86 percent more salad. The results support the notion that people have an evolved tendency to show off in front of others, whether it's to attract the opposite sex or assert dominance. I suppose most men aren't too worried about being called a "pig," "fat ass," or an...

Can people fall in love online?

Online dating has become the rage over the last 10 or so years. We've all seen commercials for sites like and touting how they've helped countless people find true love. While many of these couples state that they didn't actually fall in love until meeting in person and going on a few dates (which makes sense), others assert that they knew they were in love after merely a few conversations via the web. Is this even plausible? My take on it is that you can't fall in love without actually seeing and interacting with someone in person first. If it feels like love following a conversation or two online, then you must be falling in love with the idea of being in love. We don't get a good sense of someone - their gestures, mannerisms, demeanor, and more - without seeing him face to face. How do you know the person you're talking to is really a blonde 38-year-old divorcee from New York? For all you know, it could really be a few teenagers...