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Showing posts with the label inside

Never let others decide this for you

Never let anyone else decide what makes you happy. That's a unilateral decision only YOU can make! They may assume that just because they think a certain way about something -- either because they were brought up that way or developed firm convictions over time -- you will (or should) feel the same way. You have the power to be as happy as you decide to be. Why? Because happiness is an inside job. It doesn't come from our jobs, our relationships, our partner, or our hobbies. While those aspects can certainly enhance our lives, we can have them and still feel miserable. (Example: Filthy rich celebrities who struggle with depression.) As long as what makes you happy isn't damaging to yourself or those around you, indulge in your hobbies and passions as you please. If others insist you'll be happier in a different career, in a different relationship, or in a different city, you be the judge of that. Where do people get off assuming they know you better ...

Surprising finding about attractive people

Allow me to commence this post by posing a question: Do you judge attractive people to be nicer or smarter than less attractive people? (Now, I know people have different taste, but let's assume, for the purpose of this hypothetical situation at least, that we generally find the same people to be attractive the world over.) Most of you might say, "Of course not. Physical beauty has little to do with traits like kindness and intelligence. Studies show, however, that thanks to human perception, they're more entwined than we think.  People have a tendency to judge beautiful people as sharing a variety of psychological characteristics based solely on their looks. Beautiful people are perceived not only as nicer, but more successful.  One study in 2014 found that viewers judged an attractive person who smiled as happier than a smiling person with an unattractive face.  It's mind-boggling to think that people would assign so man...

The truth about having good looks

Let's face it: Having good looks means nothing if you're a bad person. Beauty is only skin deep. Those who are smug and think they can treat others with disrespect only because they're physically attractive are demonstrating one thing: they're ugly on the inside, and that makes them ugly as a whole. I don't care whether you have a gorgeous face or an amazing body. A rotten personality undermines one's best physical attributes. I'd take a "4" with a big heart over a "10" who's as deep as a puddle any day of the week. I can't stand people who are conceited -- the ones who walk around thinking they're owed something on account of their good looks. They act as if they're God's gift to the world and often belittle those who aren't as physically eye-catching. It's these people who eventually wind up alone. Looks fade. People get wrinkles and gain weight. Old age catches up with us sooner or later. On the ot...

THIS is what makes a beautiful person

A beautiful person doesn't need to have great hair, gorgeous eyes, or a ravishing body. A beautiful person isn't necessarily the smartest or most self-confident of the bunch. While these attributes certainly enhance the overall appeal of a person, they don't make him or her beautiful . What truly makes someone beautiful is their inside . Beauty is only skin deep. I know there has to be some level of physical attraction, but society makes it out to be far more important than it should be. When you meet someone, ask yourself these questions: Do I see myself being with this person for the rest of my life?  Do I see myself remaining with this person even in our later years, when his or her good looks begin to fade?  (Remember, yours will too.) If you truly prioritize finding someone with a great heart above all else, the answers to the above questions should be no-brainers. A beautiful person puts others before oneself, remains positive under even the...

A quote you'll love...

I came across this great quote on Facebook earlier today: "Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out." This quote rings true on so many levels. I strongly believe that a person is beautiful by being true to his or her self. Being your authentic self -- both internally and externally -- makes you beautiful. Why? Because it shows that you love yourself for who you really are. The best possible version of yourself isn't one prescribed by society. Lookswise, if dressing like a nerd, jock, or rocker represents the real you, then society is just going to have to live with it. The best version of yourself is one where you can be the real you without having to apologize or make excuses for it. Why have someone like a phony version of you? As the saying goes: "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not." As long as you're not hurting anyone by being your true self, don't let anyone talk you in...