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Showing posts with the label disease

Always be thankful!

It's so easy to take things for granted in life. Many of us get so caught up in our work and responsibilities at home that we forget to give thanks for all we have. Even worse is when we feel compelled to acquire more and more material stuff we may not even need or use. When I stop and think about how many disadvantaged people would do anything for a little sip of water or cookie crumbs that we may dispose of like nothing, it impresses upon me one valuable moral: Don't complain about what you have, for many people out there would do anything to be in your shoes. That's why I find it imperative -- as a human being and as a citizen of the global community -- to give to those in need as much and as often as I can. It was just heartbreaking to watch Hurricane Matthew wreak havoc on Haiti, a country already blighted by poverty, disease, and so many other problems. If I were to win the lottery, I would donate a substantial chunk of the money toward charitable organization...

Having goals makes life worth it

Sometimes we question what the purpose of our lives really is. We get stuck in ruts, or, even worse, we hit rough patches where nothing seems to go right and ask ourselves, "Is there more to life than this?" What we have to remember is that storms eventually pass. We need to stay focused on the things that really matter to us life. Those things obviously vary from person to person, but we all strive toward achieving goals that make life purposeful. My goals in life include: Loving my wife and family and being there for them as much as I can Helping the less fortunate Helping animals, about which I am passionate Learning as much as I can, especially about the subjects that interest me the most (psychology and history) Living below my means Becoming as good a writer as I can possibly be, and writing a book someday Your goals may be to strike it rich, support the environment, and help find a cure for a certain disease. That's the beauty of life. We all hav...