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Showing posts with the label true self

Here's a different way to look at envy

Have you ever sensed -- based on the way someone treats or talks about you -- that they're green with envy? You're not alone. Here's what I believe envy to be, even though it differs slightly from the definition found in the dictionary. Envy is a veiled form of admiration.  It's when someone realizes you possess something -- whether it be a physical object or intangible attribute -- that they perceive as lacking in their own life. Maybe they wish they had a position as high up the corporate ladder as yours, a partner as attractive as your spouse, or a temperament to match your calm and collected demeanor. Sadly, these people don't realize we all face unenviable battles of some kind -- from personal illnesses to financial hardship -- about which we may remain tight-lipped. Why would you envy someone else anyway? Just because they have a lot of money, for example, doesn't mean they're truly happy beneath the surface. If they have to work...

Don't compare yourself to others

I know how tempting comparing our life to that of a friend, co-worker, or neighbor can be. He has a BMW and I don't. She has a Louis Vuitton purse, but I don't. They have beautiful children, but we don't have any. If you're constantly comparing your life to others', you'll never be truly happy. Why? Chances are, there will always be something someone has that you don't. I've talked in other posts about how people's need for approval can prompt them to act, dress, and live like their peers, even if it isn't what they really want to do. It doesn't matter whether they incur loads of debt or go against their core values as a result. Some people cannot resist the urge to keep up with those Joneses. The pressure to conform to societal norms is alive and real. But no one says you have to succumb to it. Do things -- whether it's buy a fancy car, dress in a certain style of clothes, or have children -- because you want to, not ...

A quote you'll love...

I came across this great quote on Facebook earlier today: "Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside and out." This quote rings true on so many levels. I strongly believe that a person is beautiful by being true to his or her self. Being your authentic self -- both internally and externally -- makes you beautiful. Why? Because it shows that you love yourself for who you really are. The best possible version of yourself isn't one prescribed by society. Lookswise, if dressing like a nerd, jock, or rocker represents the real you, then society is just going to have to live with it. The best version of yourself is one where you can be the real you without having to apologize or make excuses for it. Why have someone like a phony version of you? As the saying goes: "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not." As long as you're not hurting anyone by being your true self, don't let anyone talk you in...