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Showing posts with the label ceos

Many men are purposely choosing THIS kind of woman..

I have noticed that a couple of guys I know have deliberately set out to find a particular kind of woman: one who's disadvantaged in some way. This can take many forms, including women who: Are broke Don't know English Come from humble beginnings (poor, not educated, etc.) Are vulnerable because of problems they're going through, like divorce or unemployment Recently immigrated to the U.S. and need help assimilating, getting their affairs in order, etc. Now, I'm not saying that these men aren't well-intentioned. They claim to love these women, and some of them have gone on to marry and have kids with them.  Here's what disturbs me: They admit they like the fact that the women are disadvantaged because it means they'll always have to rely on them for support. It empowers them. It makes these guys feel like they're in the driver's seat -- in full control. In fact, some of them insist that the women remain housewives, just so that the m...