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Showing posts with the label other people

Look in the mirror and you'll see this...

Look in the mirror and you'll see the person ultimately responsible for your happiness -- yourself . It's a shame that so many people I talk to are quick to mention other people when asked what exerts the biggest influence on their happiness. Yes, some people bring us great joy -- our parents, spouse, children, closest friends -- but they should not bear the responsibility of making you happy all the time. Parents grow old, our spouses have their own issues to worry about, our children grow up eventually, and our friends can always drift away from us. No one has your best interests at heart more than yourself. No one confides in you more than yourself. No one experiences the highs and lows in your life like you do. Happiness shouldn't depend on how people treat you or what they think of you. In fact, in my view, you can't love others unless and until you love yourself first. We all want to feel loved and accepted by others. Great social relationships, in and...

Happiness is a decision. Here's why...

Happiness is a decision.  It's a choice. It's a state of mind. You are as happy as you choose to be. The happiness ball is in your court, always. Life isn't about what happens to you, but what you do in response to what happens to you . You can either choose to sulk and let negative thoughts and feelings get the best of you, or you can look on the bright side and say, "Hey, things could be worse. Compared to what others are going through, this isn't that big of a deal." That kind of mindset can go a long way toward improving your mood and helping you appreciate what you have. Many people feel most unhappy when they compare themselves to others. But why in the world would someone do this to themselves? Other people are not you . Chances are, they don't share the same upbringing, like all the same things, or aspire to the same career goals as you. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be more like other people. To do things as they do th...