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Showing posts with the label hindsight is 20/20

Why trying to change people doesn't work

Trying to change a person is an exercise in futility. We all come with a set of inherent traits and habits that can be very difficult to shake off -- and that's if we care to in the first place! As much as you might want someone to become, say, more of a sports fan or less of a slob, if they're not genuinely interested in changing, they won't take the necessary steps to do so -- even if their words say otherwise. And once someone has made it clear that they don't want to change, people should back off and respect their wishes. Let's not forget something: Generally, the more we sense someone is trying to change our ways, the more resistant we'll be to their efforts. In fact, we're likely to double down on whatever it is that those people take exception with. Examples in which this phenomenon plays out include: The rebellious teenager who wishes to rebel against her parents The recent high school graduate who wants to attend any college other...

The decisions we regret the most are usually...

...those that we never make. Think about it. What can come back to haunt you any more than wondering what could have been? Here are a few of examples of things people may not do, but later regret: Not having kids Not wearing protection when having sex Never getting married Not pursuing a degree or finishing school Not aiming for a better job because they're too complacent where they are Not saving money Not being more on top of their health (e.g., not smoking, doing more exercise, etc.) What's the best way to avoid being in this situation? For starters, we should all guard against the impulse to trek through life in a mindless manner. It's when we do things mindlessly that we seem to get in the most trouble. For example, the question of whether or not to have kids is one of the most important ones we face in our lives. That's a decision that should not be taken lightly. Whether one decides not to have kids or have unprotected sex and worry about t...

Are you happy with the decisions you've made in your life?

We've all been at a crossroads at certain points in our lives where we've had to make one or more life-altering decisions. Here are just a few examples: Deciding whether to take one job or another  Deciding whether to ask out/date one person or another Deciding whether to have kids Deciding whether to buy a house and choosing among alternatives Deciding whether to get married or divorced Deciding whether to end an old friendship And so on... Many times, the decision is forced upon us because of circumstances beyond our control. For example, if we're laid off, we have no choice but to jump back into the job market and look for work. That, of course, assumes that nothing fortuitous happens in the interim -- like winning the lottery!) Then again, many of us make decisions that we later realize were poorly planned out -- if at all. I have friends who wound up having kids at a younger age than they'd anticipated. This in turn has put a serious financial str...