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Showing posts with the label successes

One of the secrets to a happy life

Self-awareness is critical to a happy, balanced life. The dictionary defines it as "conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires. Take a deep dive within yourself and explore that which makes you happy, sad, excited, nervous, peaceful. Analyze your words. Assess your motives. Delve into your deepest desires. Only by paying attention to your feelings can you truly get to know yourself -- the things that make you unique, the inherent qualities that set you apart. It's not about criticizing yourself, but rather being cognizant of your patterns of thought and behavior. Just because you acknowledge your faults doesn't mean you dwell on them. But recognizing them enables you to decide which ones you're willing to accept as well as the ones that call for change. Self-awareness doesn't necessarily stop you from making mistakes -- it allows you to learn from them so that you're less apt to repeat them in the future...

Don't get desperate to be in a relationship

Have you ever felt desperate to jump into a relationship -- whether out of fear of loneliness, pressure from peers or family members, or merely to have someone around for special occasions like Christmas and Valentine's Day? I can understand the yearning to have someone at your side, experiencing the highs and lows of life with you. Having a partner can offer myriad benefits. It's great to have a shoulder to lean on/ear to listen to you on those really tough days, just as it is to have a partner to share in your successes. Assuming one has a wonderful partner who goes out of his or her way to make them happy, a companion can undoubtedly be a blessing. But no one should jump into a relationship unless/until they feel the time is right. Your friends may try to hook you up with an acquaintance whom you don't necessarily deem attractive or your type. Maybe you're talking to a guy online who wants to move a little faster than you feel is appropriate. Always let...

Three types of fake friends

There's been a lot of talk in the media/political sphere concerning fake news. But not as much attention is paid to fake people, especially those who try to pass off as real friends . We count on friends to be there for us in good times and bad, through thick and thin. True friends celebrate our successes and support us in our darkest moments. Though we can't rely on them to solve our problems, just knowing we have their ear or shoulder to cry on can be a big help. At the same time, we'd be willing to do almost anything for them, considering them more like family than some of our own blood relatives. Sadly, some friends don't turn out to be as caring and loyal as we thought. We come to realize that they had ulterior motives for befriending us. Or, the friendship starts out innocently enough, but over time they begin taking the friendship for granted. Three kinds of fake friends  For starters, there are those who forget you exist once they enter into relat...

Never walk in someone else's shadow

Never walk in someone else's shadow -- whether it's that of your parents, partner, or friend -- for each of us are destined to go down a different path. Ours are unique successes and experiences. Our interests, our innermost feelings, our convictions -- they're all far different from those of people around us. Don't fight what makes you different. Embrace it, for you are magnificent just as you are. Depressing would be a world in which all of us think and act in lockstep. One of the most rewarding aspects of the human experience is being able to share what makes us unique with everyone else. Never envy what other have, nor try to emulate how they act or think. You are your own person -- a wonderful one at that. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Believe you can make a wonderful life for yourself and you shall. No one can do that for you. Take pride in your personality, your thoughts, your values. Take pride in all you have to offer the world. A...

Thinking of your failures? You're more likely to repeat them

It's often been said that people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. According to new research published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology , though, it appears that being reminded of our failures actually makes us more likely to repeat such behaviors. Per the researchers, remembering our past mistakes will not necessarily help us make better decisions in the present. In fact, thinking about our failures at self-control -- whether it's blowing a diet, racking up more credit card debt than we intended, or cheating on a partner one or more times -- leads us to repeat them. For example, thinking about a time when you blew a diet by eating an entire pizza pie by yourself makes you more likely to blow another one in the same way. Titled "Haunts or Helps From the Past: Understanding the Effect of Recall on Current Self-Control," the study is the first of its kind and was conducted by professors at the University of Pittsburgh and Vanderbilt Universi...