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Showing posts with the label mimic

Why using our smartphones can be contagious

Do you feel the urge to yawn almost immediately after seeing someone else do it?  You're not alone.  As it turns out, though, yawning is far from the only behavior we can deem contagious.  A study published recently in the Journal of Ethology made a startling finding: The same psychological process that makes yawns contagious also influences people to check their smartphones. People have a need to follow the norms imposed on them by others. No one wishes to be the lone outsider who defies social norms.  In turn, it prompts them to mirror as closely as possible the actions of those in their orbit. This is known as the chameleon effect. As another example, you've probably noticed how people tend pick up each others’ gestures or mood during a conversation. I suppose these findings shouldn't strike us as a total surprise. After all, people seem to LIVE on their phones. Whether they're walking to school, in the bathroom, watching a game, eating dinner, or, most frighteni...

Did you know this word means THIS?

If I asked you what the definition of the word "ape" is, you'd likely say it's a large primate like a gorilla or orangutan. But do you know what "ape" means as a verb? I came cross the word in the book I'm currently reading, Alexander Hamilton , where the author states that, despite having gained their independence from the mother country, many Americans were still "aping" the customs of the British even toward the end of the 18th century. Before that, I hadn't seen the word used in a similar context since my college days. Per my trusty dictionary, it means to imitate the behavior or manner of someone or something, often in an absurd or unthinking way. Synonyms for ape include mimic, copy, parrot, and parody. Did you know the definition for "ape" before reading this post?

People who do this are REALLY foolish...

People who idolize celebrities and go so far as to have plastic surgery in hopes of looking just like them are beyond ridiculous. Being a fan is one thing. But facial reconstructive surgery is, in my opinion, going one step too far. There have been reports in the news of girls going under the knife to look like Kim Kardashian and other celebrities.  But it gets worse. Some girls have had surgery to look like Barbie dolls, anime characters, and other inanimate idols! I understand impressionable children wanting to look like people or cartoons they look up to, but some people continue adulating them well into their 30s and 40s.  I think it's important for everyone to build a personal identity. As much as we may want and aim to be or resemble Lebron James, Taylor Swift, or Wonder Woman, we'll never be them. You are you -- and that's good enough. Embrace who you are. No one else in the world looks or acts just like you. (Even twins have different views, taste...