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Showing posts with the label want what we can't have

MUST-READ: We always want what we can't have

Curly haired women wish they had smooth, silky hair. Balding men just wish they had more of it, no matter the texture. Women want bigger purses and more shoes. Men desire bigger houses and cars. Short people wish they could be taller and heavy people would do anything to look like their thin neighbors. As you can see, we are in a constant state of yearning. Very rarely do we just settle for what we have and call it a day. No, we constantly strive to achieve or obtain things -- and the more out of reach they seem, the more desirable they are to us. There's nothing wrong with bettering yourself. If you've worked hard to earn your money, you should be able to get hair transplants, luxurious cars, or whatever else you're aiming for. I always warn people, however, against becoming too focused on what they don't have versus what they already do. We must keep things in perspective. No matter how much money we have, we're never going to get every single thing we...

SHOCKER: Women like flirting with...married men?!

You would think that women would naturally gravitate toward single men when looking for someone to flirt with. If the man is wearing a ring, that automatically deter coquettes from approaching them, right? Not necessarily! Based on what I've read and seen in the workplace, some women actually prefer flirting with married men. In fact, one of my co-workers tried to pull this stunt on me last year. You may be sitting there thinking "This guy is off his rocker," but when you stop and think about it, the reasons why some women would do this are fairly obvious. For one, if she isn't looking for anything serious, a married man offers a convenient means through which she can get some attention without things getting too sticky. After all, she knows he'll be going home to his wife, so no harm, no foul. Next, the mere fact that a woman cared enough about the guy to say "I do" draws flirtatious women to him. In their eyes, there must be something rather ...

Why do we want what we can't have?

How to Understand People delves into human behavior and explores why people act in sometimes-unusual ways. One of those oddities is the fact that no matter what we obtain and how much of it, we always seem to be striving for something more. The novelty of consumer goods like watches and television sets wears off rather quickly, and it isn't long before we're in search of the next best thing. Women with straight hair long for curly hair, and vice versa. People in cities where it gets very cold in the winter time wish they lived in sun-drenched, humid Miami. Time-starved parents wish they had the luxury of being able to relax at will. In other words, we always seem to want what we can't have. Sometimes people spend so much time yearning for what they can't get that they fail to appreciate what's in front of them, hence the phrase "you don't know what you've got until it's gone." We may get like this when, for example, a friend buys a nice...