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Showing posts with the label appetite

Health Tip: Eat More of This to Lose Weight

Several studies suggest that eating spicy foods can increase metabolic rate by increasing temperature. Capsaicin, the compound that lends red chili pepper its potent kick, creates the biggest bump in heat generation, which helps burn more calories immediately after a meal. Ginger and black pepper have been shown to produce similar results. Moreover, studies have shown that on average a meal containing a spicy dish, like a bowl of chili, can temporarily increase metabolism by about 8 percent over a person’s normal rate, an amount considered negligible at best. But besides a slight boost in metabolism, spicy foods may also increase feelings of satiety. One study looked at a group of adult men and found that those who were served hot sauce with appetizers before a meal went on to consume roughly 200 fewer calories at lunch and in later meals than their peers, who did not consume anything with capsaicin. The researchers suggested that capsaicin may function as an appetite suppressant....

10 Fun Facts About Sleep

There's no denying that sleep is essential for good health and well-being. Unfortunately, our ever-increasing load of responsibilities -- from work and kids to cooking and laundry -- leaves us little time for shuteye. On the whole, though, people enjoy sleeping and feel more energized after getting a sufficient amount of it. Here are a few fun facts about sleep from the National Sleep Foundation: Exercising regularly makes it easier to fall asleep and contributes to sounder sleep. However, exercising sporadically or right before going to bed will make falling asleep more challenging. Man is the only mammal that willingly delays sleep Divorced, widowed and separated people report more insomnia Newborns sleep a total of 14 to 17 hours a day on an irregular schedule with periods of one to three hours spent awake Most healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. However, some individuals are capable of functioning without drowsiness or sleepiness after as little...