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Showing posts with the label how to understand people

Don't let people put you down

Whether it's that they're having a bad day, are mad at you because you made an innocent mistake, or they're just a difficult person by nature, no one has the right to put you down. If their meltdown is followed by an apology you deem to be sincere, life moves on. But if you find that these outbursts occur quite frequently, or if the person has a knack for pinning the blame on you when something goes wrong, it's important you stand up for yourself.  Otherwise, they'll think they have permission to treat you with disrespect.  Standing up for oneself doesn't mean you have to disparage the individual, firing off expletives, throwing things at them, and essentially stooping to his or level.  You can be firm and civil at the same time. In fact, you would merely be admonishing on their petty behavior: They should watch their language and tone it down, or there will he consequences. Such consequences may include reporting them to human resource...

Merry Christmas!

I'd like to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas! Whether you're in Connecticut, Calgary, or Calcutta, I hope you are having a wonderful day with friends and family. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, here's to a joyous holiday season.  While the fact Christmas comes only once each year makes it a special time -- especially for kids -- there's no question many parents are breathing a sigh of relief as the day draws to a close.  After all, between shopping for gifts at jam-packed malls, hosting holiday parties, and finalizing loose ends at work before the end of the year, it can be an awfully stressful and frenzied time even for those who consider themselves pros at this sort of thing.  It's important not to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. It isn't about toys or shopping sprees, but spending time with family and being thankful for what you have. I see it as a continuation or extension of Thanksgiving, even though we ought to...

THIS awaits us all in the New Year!

Happiness -- that's what! And let's add love, health, peace, and a sense of accomplishment from meeting one or more goals! I don't know about you, but I get the feeling it's going to be a fantastic year for all of us. Having that materialize starts with keeping a positive mindset. The more you believe that great things are in store, the more likely that is to come to fruition. Whether you aim to lose weight, start a family, or get a new job, I wish you only the best in achieving your goals. If you ever need advice or encouragement, please feel free to reach out to me. Or, you can ask questions of other fellow readers. Without a doubt, every visitor to the blog is always willing to lend a helping hand. I want to thank each and every one of you who's read and/or commented on my posts for your valuable contributions to this blog. Thanks to your unending support, the site garnered a record number of views and comments this year. It's your insightful co...

CAN'T-MISS Advice and Tips!

My psychology blog, How to Understand People , has now garnered a whopping 150,000 views  -- a remarkable feat for a site that came into being only two years ago. I want to thank everyone for reading, commenting on, and resharing my posts. Without my readers' support, I would have never amassed this many hits in such a short period of time. I continue to urge my readers to share these posts with friends and family so that they, too, can benefit from my advice and tips, which touch on subjects ranging from social psychology to relationships to consumer behavior. I also feature intermittent posts that include history fun facts and others that highlight and examine famous quotes from historic figures. Here are 10 of my most popular posts from the last couple of months: Why cheating should never be tolerated Here's a trick to make people like you... Why you should NEVER take back a cheater SECRET: Why people judge you Life is what YOU make of it Do what makes YO...

110,000 Views and Counting!

Thanks to your support, How to Understand People continues to garner views at meteoric levels! The blog launched in the summer of 2014 and continues to draw people from all corners of the internet -- from Facebook users to message board posters -- who are interested in reading about and discussing human behavior. My readers say they love delving into why people act and think in certain ways and exploring the wide array of topics I cover, from personality and relationships to consumer psychology. They also say they've found my advice and tips to be most helpful in their lives. In addition, many have also told me that they appreciate my intermittent posts on figures in history, as it allows them to learn about people and decisions that forever changed the world. If we don't learn from past mistakes -- whether committed by ourselves or other people -- we're doomed to repeat them. As always, I encourage you weigh in on every post that I submit. Share your thoughts and qu...

Need advice? Contact me!

I've had several readers on this blog message me seeking everything from relationship advice to tips on how they can save money. They've later thanked me for pulling them out of a dark place. These are the kinds of topics I base my posts on, and I'm thrilled that my readers wish to reach out to me for a heart-to-heart. I realize some of you are facing tough challenges in your life, and that having a shoulder to lean on can make the difference between aspiring toward a better tomorrow and falling into a deep depression. That's why I'm here. Whether you're having marital issues or dealing with problems at work, please feel free to send me a message. I'll do my best to respond promptly, and rest assured that all details you provide will be held in the strictest confidence. Don't be shy. Don't suffer in silence. I'm here to help you! For advice, you can reach me at: E-Mail: Google+:

Many people spend THIS many hours at the mall

A recent study reveals that many people spend an average of six hours at the mall with each visit. We've all been there: We intend to make a quick purchase at the mall, whether it be a t-shirt or pair of shoes, only to wind up spending several hours there. Not surprisingly, the higher the number of people accompanying us, the more challenging it becomes to keep the visit under an hour. But six hours seems like a boatload of time. Can you imagine how many hours of exercise or reading you could put in if you stayed home instead? I would assume that many mall-goers purposely while the day away at the mall (especially if there's inclement weather or there are children in tow), while others simply lose track of the time while browsing countless stores. The problem with the latter is that it often translates into people buying far more things and spending far more money than they should. The solution? Consumers should aim to leave the mall as soon as they've snagged what ...

Happy New Year!

How to Understand People would like to wish each and every one of you a happy, safe, blessed, and healthy new year! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their contributions to the blog this year  -- from reading posts to providing invaluable opinions on the many topics discussed. My New Year's resolution? To provide you guys with even more content than I did this year. Remember,  if there's anything you'd  like for me to write about, or if you need advice on anything from relationship s to your career, I'm always here to help. Here's to a great 2016 for everyone. Cheers! Jeff

Merry Christmas, everyone!

How to Understand People would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! May it be filled with ample love, peace, health, and joy. Is there anything in particular you asked Santa for this year? Where will you be spending the day, and doing what exactly? My wife and I plan to spend the day with our families before hitting up the movie theater tonight. Share your thoughts and please be sure to also share the blog with your friends and family. Again, from our family to yours, have a very Merry Christmas!

What would you do if someone gave you this...

What would you do if someone gave you a cheap gift ?  With Christmas just a few weeks away, people are hitting the malls in full force, snagging everything from clothing to electronics. For some people, their holiday shopping list includes a few less expensive items they may plan to give to acquaintances or people they don't know all too well, like their kids' teachers, the cleaning lady at work, and so on. But sometimes we receive what we'd consider cheap gifts even from friends or relatives. This especially throws us for a loop when we've always given the other person higher-quality stuff. Would you feel the gift is a reflection of how much (or little) that individual values you? The first thing one has to determine is whether the person is strapped for cash. If he or she bought you something cheap because they really can't do any better at this time, then it's understandable. Most of us would probably do the same if we were in their shoes. The mere ...

Gobble Gobble: A Note About Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving tradition stretches all the way back to the early days of the republic, when George Washington was at the helm of the fledgling nation. Following a resolution of Congress, President Washington proclaimed Thursday the 26th of November 1789 a day of “public thanksgiving and prayer” devoted to “the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” Reflecting American religious practice, Presidents and Congresses regularly designated days of fasting and thanksgiving through the the mid-1800s. But the Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate every November was formally established by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and made into law by Congress in 1941, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was in office. I think everyone should be thankful for their blessings each day of the year, not just on the fourth Thursday of November. We often get so caught up in work and other responsibilities that we neglect to focus ...

Secret: Why men eat more when they dine with women

Can you take a wild guess as to why men might eat more in front of women? I'll give you a minute to think about it. OK, what did you come up with? Because the men are nervous? Guess again. Because being on a date makes them hungrier? Nope. Because they really don't like the women and are trying to turn them off? Not even close. According to a new study from Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab published in the medical journal Evolutionary Psychological Science , they are actually trying to impress women -- not turn them off. While women tend to eat less in the presence of men, the study found that men who ate with at least one woman consumed 92 percent more pizza and 86 percent more salad. The results support the notion that people have an evolved tendency to show off in front of others, whether it's to attract the opposite sex or assert dominance. I suppose most men aren't too worried about being called a "pig," "fat ass," or an...

Please recommend this blog to your friends!

Good evening everyone, I want to take a moment to thank anyone who has reshared any of my posts or otherwise shared the link to the blog itself with friends and family. If you haven't gotten around to it, no worries! All I ask is that you please share the link to the blog ( at your earliest convenience. Your support goes a long way in helping get the word out about the site. Thanks as always for your time and contributions to the blog. Regards, Jeff

This blog has achieved a HUGE milestone!

It's hard to believe that this makes my 500th post on this blog! I launched the site in July 2014, which doesn't feel like that long ago. I can't thank everyone enough for supporting me and this blog every step of the way. The blog now has over 1,200 followers, many of whom come from Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and message boards all over the internet. As of today, the site has logged a whopping 66,945 page views! Your experiences, hopes, and opinions inspire me to churn out more and more content about substantive topics that matter to all of us. As the year winds down, I aim to continue writing about breaking news stories, as well as findings supported by research studies. In addition, I will provide you with helpful tips and advice on how to do everything from save money to resolve conflicts with partners, friends, and other people in our lives. Also thrown in the mix will be fun facts and educational content spanning subjects like history, psychology, and sociology...

Thinking of your failures? You're more likely to repeat them

It's often been said that people who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. According to new research published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology , though, it appears that being reminded of our failures actually makes us more likely to repeat such behaviors. Per the researchers, remembering our past mistakes will not necessarily help us make better decisions in the present. In fact, thinking about our failures at self-control -- whether it's blowing a diet, racking up more credit card debt than we intended, or cheating on a partner one or more times -- leads us to repeat them. For example, thinking about a time when you blew a diet by eating an entire pizza pie by yourself makes you more likely to blow another one in the same way. Titled "Haunts or Helps From the Past: Understanding the Effect of Recall on Current Self-Control," the study is the first of its kind and was conducted by professors at the University of Pittsburgh and Vanderbilt Universi...

Some men REFUSE to pay on the first date

I recall speaking to several classmates back in my college days who said they never offered to pay for dinner on the first date. Their reasons were quite varied. Some elected not to pay out of sheer frugality. Others were afraid that if they came out of pocket too quickly, their date would expect to be treated on every future date. One guy in particular found this to be an effective strategy because he claimed to only date models whom most guys would label "10s." He felt it set him apart from other men who threw themselves at these attractive women. I might be old school, but I wouldn't let a woman pay on the first date. What's more, I wouldn't let her pay until we've officially declared ourselves an item, at which point I'd feel more comfortable letting her treat me once in a while. I think that making a good impression on a woman includes being chivalrous. This runs the gamut from paying for a meal to holding the door to offering her his jacket o...

How to Understand People Turns 1!

I'm happy to announce that this blog is already a year old! It was officially launched on July 25, 2014 with the name "Relationship Advice and Relationship Tips." But the name didn't stick around for long. I decided to rename the blog "How to Understand People" because I felt such a title better captured what the site aims to do. It doesn't focus solely on relationships, but how human beings in general think and behave. I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for their contributions to the blog thus far. Not only has this first year seen many friendships blossom in the blog, but we've taken part in many interesting discussions ranging from why people spend frivolously to the reasons those around us shouldn't always be trusted. I aim to make the blog even better over the coming months, so stay tuned for a couple of upgrades. If you have any comments or suggestions concerning the blog, or would like to ask for advice in private, please ...

The more indifferent you are, the more some people care about you

Or so it seems... Have you noticed that many people only seem to show interest in you when you show little to none in them? It's like the pendulum has to swing one way or the other. Achieving equilibrium isn't easy, whether we're talking about friendships or relationships. The key reason why this happens is because human beings not only have a tendency to become complacent in their friendships or relationships, but they often take the other person for granted. Once we see someone willing to bend over backwards for us, we perceive it as weakness and try to exploit that vulnerability as much as we can. I'm not saying all people do this, but many of us do. So what happens when you do the opposite -- that is, act indifferent?  The less emotionally invested one person seems to be, the more leverage he or she holds. In other words, he who cares least -- or is perceived as such -- has more power in the relationship. There's always going to be someone who compla...

What does this quote mean to you?

Today's quote focuses on adversity, which Merriam-Webster defines as "a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune." "Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful." - Zig Zaglar  Human beings have a natural inclination to avoid or minimize any kind of hardship in their lives. In reality, though, we all need a dash of adversity every now and then to propel us to achieve something. Here are some examples: Being driven to lose weight after being teased by fellow peers Starting one's own company after being laid off one or more times Getting an A+ on an exam after initially struggling in a course Supporting a child by oneself after his or her partner walks out Finding true love after striking out repeatedly on the dating front You can likely relate to at least one of the examples above. Sometimes we face challenges in life that seem almost insurmountable, thus resulting in depression, ...

1,000 Followers and Counting -- Let's keep it going!

Hi everyone, I launched "How to Understand People" at the end of July 2014. In such a short period of time, the number of people following the blog has already surpassed 1,000! With your support, though, that count can easily grow to 5,000 members before year's end. I ask that you please share the blog with your friends on Google +, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites on which you and they are active. The more people we have weighing in on the many topics discussed here -- from relationships to spending -- the livelier the discussion. I want to thank all of you for your contributions to the blog -- from giving one another advice to sharing individual posts with friends. You make all the hard work I put into it so worth it. Again, please be sure to pass this link along:  How to Understand People Kind Regards, Jeff Writer and Webmaster