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Showing posts with the label noise

Here's how to make life more meaningful

The American essayist, poet, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) once said, "You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment." Put simply, Thoreau meant that life is short, and we ought to make the most of every moment. He is also been credited for saying, "Our life is frittered away by detail...simplify, simplify." (In case you haven't read up on Thoreau, he lived in a cabin at Walden Pond for over two years. His purpose? To "live deliberately.") If Thoreau were alive today, he'd be aghast at how so many people in the country -- and the world as a whole -- have fallen pray to consumerism . Rather than finding ways to simplify their lives, people seem to be doing the exact opposite, saturating them with more stuff, more people, more noise. When Thoreau exhorts us to live in the present and launch ourselves on every wave, he isn't saying we should set out on shopping spree...

A great quote that applies to us all

I noticed a quote online the other day that not only rings true for most of us, but perfectly sums up some of life's biggest ironies: "It takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence, absence to value presence." In other words, we need to experience what it's like not to have something in order to appreciate having it. We take something for granted and only begin to appreciate the happiness it brings us once it's no longer there. For example, I've ended friendships and relationships over the years with people who took advantage of my kind, generous nature. The deep sadness I was feeling -- coupled with the fact I was at wits end -- prompted me to pull the plug, and I eventually found happiness in the company of others who valued my time. Though disappointed and contrite at first, they later thanked me for teaching them what it really means to appreciate others. They ingrained this in their minds moving forward, helping them improve ...

Why people are SO afraid to be alone

Every day around noon, a group of five or six people gather in the break room at my company to chat over lunch. They get so boisterous that you can often hear them shouting over each other from the hallway! I've noticed that I hardly ever see these people alone in the building, no matter the day, time, or place. A similar dynamic plays out in my own department, where people do everything from grab coffee to walk to the bathroom together. (I kid you not!) I understand the value of building relationships at work and elsewhere, but these people take it to a whole new level. I think many people have been conditioned by society to believe that unless they do all or most things in pairs or groups, they're weirdos. Many people have a strong longing to be part of a group, and to them, the thought of flying solo is utterly terrifying. Yes, social relationships -- or, connections, as we like to call them -- do help people land jobs, get promotions, and receive other perks. ...

ANNOYING: People who hate when it's too quiet

This morning, I was laser-focused on my work -- so much so that my co-worker questioned why I was so quiet. It's not the first time he's remarked on how quiet I can get when I'm very busy. On a few other occasions, he's stated that the office has been so quiet that he could almost hear himself think. People who are like this get on my nerves. (My apologies if you react similarly in quiet settings.) We get enough noise out on the street and at home. A little silence never hurt anybody, so what's the big deal? People who hold a disdain for quietness tend to be as such: Highly extroverted  Rely on external stimuli to stay focused and entertained (other people, etc.) Not particularly deep thinkers -- they tend to avoid solitary pursuits like reading and writing Have a high need for attention Are probably not that busy themselves if they have the time to notice how quiet it is Can be awfully insecure -- they suspect that people must be quiet for a reason ...