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Showing posts with the label try too hard

Why some people try so hard to be liked

It goes without saying that some people show a stronger need for validation from society than others. Sure, I try to be friendly and respectful with everyone I come across. But that doesn't mean I am going to bend over backwards just to gain someone's favor. This is precisely what I see people at work and elsewhere try to do. It's obvious when someone is trying too hard to be liked by everyone around them. He or she seeks to do favors for no reason and finds any excuse to strike up or butt into conversations. Feeling left out or ignored is their single biggest fear. The ones I respect the most are those who can remain friendly and respectful toward others without resorting to pretentiousness. In reality, virtually everything we do can be construed as selfish. If we do favors for the sole purpose of currying people's favor, then it shows that we care a great deal about how/what people think of us. I don't care so much about being liked as I do being regarde...