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Showing posts with the label hearts

The best things in life are certainly NOT these...

The best things in life are not things at all. Indeed, the best things in life are intangible in nature. They include: Love for family and friends Peace Health Tranquility Knowledge Memories Experiences Comfort Security  Let me put it this way: When you're in your dead bed, are you going to be thinking about your huge flat screen TV or sporty car? Perhaps you'll have to if you're drawing up a will in your final hours. But other than that, why even bother thinking of them if you can't take them with you? This certainly runs contrary to what we're taught at an early age: That life should be about pursuing the biggest and best money can buy. Sadly, it isn't until very late into their lives that they realize this was all a crock.  I'm not saying one can't have nice things; after all, we work our butts off, so we might as well treat ourselves occassionally.  But regarding materialism as central to your happiness is taking...

When someone DOUBTS you...

When someone casts doubt on you and your ability to achieve a goal -- especially a far-fetched one -- how should you react? Should you hurl obscenities at them? Stoop down to their level and discredit their own goals or accomplishments? Absolutely not. The best course of action is to work harder than ever to achieve that goal -- and prove them wrong.  Over the years, people have doubted my ability to do everything from lose 30 pounds over the summer to land jobs for which there have been over 100 applicants. There's nothing sweeter than proving wrong those who write you off. And why would they? We can achieve anything we set our hearts and minds to. The naysayers are likely those who doubt their own ability to accomplish whatever goal you've set out to achieve, as well as their personal goals. They're simply projecting their own lack of self-confidence to you. Never stand for such behavior. If these individuals claim to be your friends, perhaps you ought to thin...

Why staying positive benefits YOU

I'll be the first one to admit that sometimes I have a tendency to dwell on the negative. I harp on what could go wrong instead of what could go right. It's this kind of mindset that often leads to failure and disappointment. But why should we be pessimistic at all? In the grand scheme of things, it does us little good. In fact, negativity is known to induce depression, lack of self esteem, and other negative outcomes. The best thing you can do is harness that negative energy and turn it into something positive. Go to the gym and enjoy a vigorous workout. Blast the music loudly. Look at pictures of baby animals. Do whatever brings a smile to your face, all while telling yourself "I can do it. I will get through this. I will prevail." Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, once quipped, "Believe you can and you're halfway there." I think negativity begins to set in once we feel we're no longer in control of our lives. But it d...