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What did people Google in 2015? Click to find out...

As the year winds down, it's always interesting to reflect upon the issues and events that people took to Google to learn more about. Interestingly, Lamar Odom topped Google's list of most-searched terms in 2015. The former basketball star, who's still legally married to reality TV personality Khloé Kardashian, was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel in October. Behind him came "Jurassic Park" and "American Sniper," in the U.S., two blockbuster films that went on to generate big bucks at the box office. Globally, Charlie Hebdo and the mobile game came in second and third place, respectively. The most searched-for moment of 2015 was the Paris terror attacks, which generated close to 900 million queries. That dwarfed the more than 439 million searches for English pop singer Adele, who came out with a new album this year called "25."  Here are some other highlights about this year's top searches: Not surprisingly,...

Kim Kardashian or Caitlyn Jenner: Person of the Year?

Really? Is this what the world's come to? Sources say that TIME Magazine is asking readers whether Kim Kardashian or Caitlyn Jenner should be chosen as the publication's person of the year. Among the other names being floated around are Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump, technology gurus Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg, and actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Viola Davis. That a respected magazine like TIME would even consider Kardashian and Jenner for the coveted issue is beyond comprehension. What have these people done to be deemed worthy of the honor? All Kim is known for is stirring up family drama and getting naked. In Jenner's case, the former Olympic champion revealed to the world her sex change, which garnered extensive media coverage earlier in the year. Why doesn't TIME feature those who are truly deserving, like one of our brave men or women in uniform, someone who devotes his life to helping charities, and so on? Instead, we'...

What would you like to see more and less of in the news?

I think we'd all agree that certain topics and people get far too much news coverage these days. In this post, I'd like for everyone to list a few things you feel should be toned down. Here are a few that come to mind: The Kardashians, especially Kim Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner Bill Cosby Donald Trump Murders and crime in general Riots Race issues What do all these have in common?  They're negative and thus more likely to garner higher ratings. Is it any surprise the news outlets are all over them? Here are a few topics I would love for the media to focus on more: Humanitarian efforts Charities Pets People who have overcome long odds to become successful in their careers Families Other "feel-good" topics Which stories are you tired of, and which ones would you love to see in the headlines more often? Please check out prior posts by clicking here: How to Understand People