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Showing posts with the label yesterday

Know what today is? It's this...

Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again . So said Eleanor Roosevelt, the longest-serving First Lady of the United States. You needn't harp on the past or stress over the future. Why?  Because you have little to no control over either one. The past is the past and cannot be undone. What lies ahead is, of course, a big question mark: even if we do things today to help shape a better tomorrow, we really can't foresee what lies on the horizon. Things may go our way, as planned, or they may not. That being said, what is there to do then? You got it. Focus on the present. Mindfulness means embracing in a non-judgmental way what's currently unfolding in your life. You neither cling onto nor reject the present; you simply accept it. We aren't getting any younger, which makes living for today all the more important. Don't shelve your goals for another day; start on them right now! You don't want to wake up one da...

Let go of yesterday

What happened yesterday is only a distant memory now. Turn the page and look forward to what today will bring. If there's one certainty in life, it's that life goes on. What happened yesterday is a springboard to new experiences that await us today and in the future. But we must resist the urge to harp on things we can no longer revisit except in our thoughts. Whether what occurred yesterday was favorable or negative, we cannot remain in the same point in time for too long. Experiences help us learn and grow, and great ones are certainly worth reminiscing about every so often. But if we dwell too much on what happened yesterday, we inhibit ourselves from progressing. Obviously, everyone aims to live as happy a life as possible -- one chock-full of magnificent experiences. But that won't happen if we remain enmeshed in the past. Always remain forward-looking . If yesterday was a lousy day, guess what? Today can be a whole lot better so long as you belie...

New month, new possibilities!

Happy June, all! It's hard to believe we've reached the halfway point of the year. Six months are in the books, with just as many to go before we bid adieu to 2016. Doesn't it feel as though we were celebrating the holidays just yesterday? A new month marks an opportunity to move on from the problems and challenges of yesterday and look forward to better, more joyful days. May was a tough month for my wife and I. Not only did my father-in-law pass away, but I battled a pesky infection and fever in the closing days of the month. Thankfully, though, our strength, faith, and support from loved ones got us through it. The arrival of a new month allows us to press the proverbial reset button and start fresh. It gives us the ability to approach goals -- ones that may have seemed impossible to achieve last week -- with a sense of renewed optimism. It's like cleansing or purging ourselves of festering negativity and doubt. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, g...