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Showing posts with the label busy schedule

Here's the most special thing a person can give you...

Last night, I attended a funeral service honoring a childhood friend of mine who passed away last week. On hand was a pastor who said something that really hit home:  "The most special thing a person can give you is his or her time, for it's the one thing they'll never ever get back."  And it's true. Think about it.  Some of you might be saying, "Nope, Jeff, it's love." Love is certainly essential to our well-being, but the reality is that you can get it from different people. Even if you get divorced or witness the end of a friendship, you can always find someone else to fill the void.  It's one's time, though, that can neither be replaced nor recouped. The 15 or so minutes I spend writing and publishing this post can never be regained -- they're gone forever. The time you'll spend talking to a neighbor or grocery store clerk this weekend is time from your life that you could be using to do something else, but tha...