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Showing posts with the label pretentious

Do these people annoy you?

A word I came across recently that isn't used all that much in regular discourse is hoity-toity. It's yet another one of those funny-sounding words that I like to feature on the blog. To be hoity-toity is to be haughty or snobbish. You can use it in place of words like disdainful, conceited, proud, arrogant, pretentious, and self-important. Interestingly, while we use use hoity-toity as an adjective today, it used to be a noun that meant "thoughtless giddy behavior." The word first appeared in print as a noun in 1668. All of us know at least one person -- be it a friend, co-worker, relative, or neighbor -- who projects this type of demeanor. I generally steer clear of hoity-toity people. I think humility is one of the most admirable qualities one can possess, and, well, hoity-toity folks seem devoid of it. While we can all be a little hoity-toity in certain instances -- say, showing off our new car or watch -- some people are this way nearly all the time. ...

Why some people try so hard to be liked

It goes without saying that some people show a stronger need for validation from society than others. Sure, I try to be friendly and respectful with everyone I come across. But that doesn't mean I am going to bend over backwards just to gain someone's favor. This is precisely what I see people at work and elsewhere try to do. It's obvious when someone is trying too hard to be liked by everyone around them. He or she seeks to do favors for no reason and finds any excuse to strike up or butt into conversations. Feeling left out or ignored is their single biggest fear. The ones I respect the most are those who can remain friendly and respectful toward others without resorting to pretentiousness. In reality, virtually everything we do can be construed as selfish. If we do favors for the sole purpose of currying people's favor, then it shows that we care a great deal about how/what people think of us. I don't care so much about being liked as I do being regarde...

Are some people on Facebook pretentious and narcissistic?

I've noticed that more and more people take to Facebook these days to submit posts about how "happy" they are. To boot, they post a seemingly endless stream of pictures with their kids, relatives, etc. The question is: Beneath the surface, are these people truly happy, or are they simply putting up a front? Do they find the need to post about how happy they are to compensate for the fact that they're not, or to attempt to reassure themselves and the world that they really are? I'm not saying these people can't in fact be happy. But what's the point of saying it? It's like when a person says to you "I'm not mad, just forget about it." Well, if she was never asked whether she was mad, more than likely, she is tacitly admitting she is. Studies have shown that the more a person posts selfies and other self-absorbed posts on Facebook, the more likely he or she is to have narcissistic tendencies. Whenever I post something on my Facebook...