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Showing posts with the label small stuff

Don't let small stuff steal your happiness

Whether you're stressing over an upcoming presentation you have to deliver at work, a blind date you have scheduled for the weekend, or a persistent leak in the kitchen ceiling, ask yourself one question: "Will this matter a year from now?" Sure, it's normal to experience some level of anxiety. If you're like me, you get antsy when you want to get something done right away so you don't have to worry about it any longer. However, you may hit a snag of some sort -- perhaps the presentation has to be rescheduled, the contractor can't see you for another month, etc. This may lead you to dwell on the matter until it's resolved. But life is too short to let one little thing derail your happiness. Instead of worrying incessantly about what may go wrong, why not focus on what can go right? There are certainly circumstances in life that warrant deep concern -- an ailing relative, getting laid off, being robbed, violating the law. However, there are ...

SMILE, it could be worse

That's what I always tell myself when I'm angry over something that really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Isn't it funny how many of the things we complain about are ones that we might not even remember in a year's -- or even a week's-- time? We sweat the small stuff. We make mountains out of molehills, all while other people out there have it far worse. Whenever you feel tempted to sound off about something that's bothering you, stop and ask yourself whether getting all bent out of shape is really beneficial. That's not to say you shouldn't stand up for yourself, or that you should keep silent when someone is doing something that isn't on the up and up. However, we often say and do things that we later come to regret because we let our emotions get the best of us. We feel so compelled to win an argument or get our way that all rational thinking goes out the window. When I find myself in such a negative emotional st...

One of the most inspiring quotes you'll ever read

I came across the following quote on Facebook earlier today: "Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, just take another shot." A better piece of advice you'd be hard-pressed to find, as far as living a happy life goes. People have a tendency to become deflated by the smallest things, not to mention by people who, frankly, shouldn't be given so much importance -- neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances, and the like. We focus too much on that which is insignificant. As I've stressed so many times before, people's opinions of you matter to a certain degree, but they shouldn't eclipse how you judge yourself . If what they say or think about you trumps your self-evaluations, then you are just handing over all your power to them in a silver platter. Also, don't get so bogged down over your mistakes . We all make them -- it's a simple part of l...