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Showing posts with the label wrong people

Stop chasing the WRONG things and people

Once you stop chasing after the wrong things or people, you give the right things or people a chance to catch you . Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to tell when certain things or people -- say, a stressful job or inconsiderate partner -- aren't right for us. Then again, some of us find ourselves in such a situation time and time again. Take the girl who can't help but fall for the bad boy, or a former alcoholic who repeatedly falls off the wagon. If you persistently engage in these damaging behaviors, how do you expect to progress in life? You'll continue to miss out on job opportunities, potential suitors, and hobbies/interests that can greatly enrich your life. Some people are simply in denial. They recognize something or someone as adverse and yet they still have a hard time extricating themselves from it. For example, they hang on to the idea that their insolent boyfriend will change for the better. Or, they justify smoking or drinking with the argumen...