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Showing posts with the label celebrity apprentice

SHOCKING: Some people want to be like Trump

You'd be surprised to know that some people actually admire -- and would love to emulate -- Donald Trump's personality. They say they wish they could speak their minds with no hesitation like he does. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Trump is the most bombastic, outspoken, and extroverted person I have ever seen on television. I'm sure most of you would second that statement. Interestingly, he appears a lot more composed -- almost slightly reserved -- in interviews with David Letterman and other TV personalities in the 80s and 90s. (You can find plenty of these on YouTube.) If you ask me, he looks and acts far more presidential in these clips than he does now. It seems he's gradually evolved into an irascible, unfiltered man who can't get enough of the spotlight. Scores of people are united in their contempt for the real estate mogul-turned-presidential-candidate, but some actually embrace his fiery, no-nonsense temperament. Among the latter are ...

Who else is TIRED of Trump and Clinton?

I was just telling my coworker how tempted I am to sit this election out. To me, the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees -- Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, respectively -- are equally lousy. And I think we have the media to blame for glorifying them. We know all politicians have a few skeletons in their closet, but these two take it to a whole new level. Trump has made disparaging remarks about women, Muslims, fellow Republicans, and other groups. His reluctance to release his tax returns has dogged his campaign. And many within his own party don't even regard him as a true conservative, for he has taken liberal positions on a host of issues in the past. (Not to mention he, as a former Democrat, donated boatloads of money to various Democratic campaigns.) For Clinton's part, the email scandal has proven to be an albatross around her neck, as are Benghazi and her husband's affairs, which many feel will forever blight his legacy. Poll after poll shows t...

Are you tired of seeing this man in the news?

Can you take a wild guess as to whom I'm talking about? Yep, it's Donald Trump. Whether I'm watching TV, listening to the radio, using Facebook, or reading the newspaper, Trump continues to saturate all media. We're either forced to look at his bizarre hair or hear him talk someone down in his usual bombastic manner. The man is entertaining, I'll give him that much. If he were to host a talk show -- mind you, I watched every season of "Celebrity Apprentice" - I'd be the first one to watch it. But that's just it. He's part businessman, part entertainer. I don't feel he's fit to be President of the United States. I've never seen the media zero in on a celebrity or politician to this extent. He puts Kim Kardashian to shame! It's clear that Trump helps the network garner higher ratings, which is why -- despite all the vitriol he spews out -- they continue to cover him. This is precisely why I look forward to the primar...

Donald Trump: Is he for real?

Many people seem to be questioning whether Donald Trump is the real deal. Does he genuinely wish to be the next President of the United States, or is this all a publicity stunt? For one, he has changed party affiliations various times throughout the years. Today he comes off as an ardent Republican, but not too long ago he was rubbing elbows with Bill Clinton and making sizable donations to his campaign. The blustery real estate mogul has called himself a Republican twice, and both a Democrat and independent once. One thing is for sure: When Donald Trump talks, people listen. Like President Obama, the man oozes charisma. What distinguishes him from his fellow candidates, though, is that he speaks his mind with no restraint whatsoever. Indeed, when it comes to the Donald, there's no holding of the tongue: if you don't like what he has to say, he couldn't care less. There's no denying that Donald Trump is shaking up the establishment. Many of his comments and views ...

Women vs. Men: Who likes to backstab more?

Whether it's on TV or in the workplace, the general consensus seems to be that women gossip, backstab, and stir up more conflict than men do. But, as with every other topic, I thought it only fair to put this so-called stereotype under the microscope. If you watch reality shows like Celebrity Apprentice, you'll notice it's the women who spend far more time bickering. While the men do at times become embroiled in tit for tat, it's the women who are portrayed as meaner and more hostile. In the workplace, I have noticed that women seem to gossip far more than their male counterparts. I haven't really seen any cases where a person blatantly backstabs the other, but I have caught both men and women in little white lies. If it is true that women are generally more into backstabbing and gossiping than men, why is this the case? I believe that it isn't fair to make a blanket statement like "all women play these games while all men keep to themselves and pre...