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Showing posts with the label sleeping with

Ladies: Would you date a guy THIS young?

I recently read an article online that talked about a guy who was dating a woman 25 years older than him. I've heard or read about other cases where the age disparity is even wider. In a May post titled  COUGARS: Here's what older women like about younger men... , I talked about the many reasons women pursue guys 10 to 20 years their junior. Among them were the impulse to feel younger and the allure of teaching sexually inexperienced men a few new tricks in bed. If I were single, I wouldn't mind going on a few dates with someone, say, 20 years older than me, but I'd probably resist the urge to turn it into a long-term thing. My in-laws are 20 years apart (she's in her mid 50s, he's in his mid 70s), and I see all the struggles my wife's mom faces daily. From having to be on top of his medications to bolting to the hospital whenever he takes an unexpected tumble and injures himself, her life has been reduced to one of a nurse. And this woman hasn't e...