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Showing posts with the label in common

Why you and your partner love differently

My wife and I have been together for 12 years, and it took me about a decade to realize that she isn't big on taking, posting, or scrapbooking pictures of us. I always assumed that not only did women enjoy showing off pictures of themselves and their significant other to the world, but they were always inclined to wear the photographer hat in the relationship. Not so in mine. That task has fallen on my shoulders. I have found myself taking the lion's share of photos for occasions big and small -- whether at birthday parties or while on vacation. Not only that but I've been diligent in posting them on Facebook and maintaining an album that includes pictures and keepsakes from our different trips, like movie tickets, museum passes, etc. Eventually, I started taking this a bit personally and brought it to my wife's attention. She insisted it had nothing to do with me and stated she's never been a big picture person to begin with. She's self-conscious abou...

Stay single until THIS happens

You're better off staying single until someone complements your life in a way that makes it better not to be single . If not, it's just not worth it. Put more succinctly, it's better to be single than in bad company . For example, getting involved with someone who brings too much baggage with them is a recipe for trouble. Perhaps they were abused or cheated on their last relationship, which may have ended only a couple of weeks ago. That puts an undue amount of pressure on you. Not only do you have to support them emotionally as they continue to heal from the ordeal, but you'll likely be held to a higher standard -- only because the ill-fated relationship remains so fresh in their mind and they're looking to avoid getting hurt again. People may try to convince you that opposites attract, but research shows the opposite: relationships that last the longest tend to be those where both partners share a lot in common, from their temperament and interests to thei...

Why being alone and being lonely aren't the same

When someone says he likes being alone, do you immediately take that to mean he enjoys being lonely? If so, you're conflating two terms that don't mean the same thing. Let me give you an example. Many people say that they can feel lonely even when they're around people. I've experienced this myself quite a few times. For instance, I've gone to work functions where I'm the only person who doesn't seem to have a "buddy" with which to converse for a few hours. People break off into their little cliques, leaving me with little to do but surf the web on my phone. The same can happen while on an outing with a couple of friends. They might begin discussing something to which you can't relate -- say, duck hunting -- and, before you know it, you're left out in the cold. This often occurs when everyone but you has something in common. For example, I tend to feel lonely at work because I'm the youngest employee in my department. The most s...