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Showing posts with the label bills

Why women should offer to pay on dates

One hotly debated topic is whether women should come out of pocket early on in the relationship. When asked, some women retort with an emphatic "no" while others assert that a woman should indeed offer to help out. While opinions will vary, my take is as follows: I think it's a nice gesture when a woman offers to pay for something, however small. It doesn't have to be lunch or dinner, but maybe a bag of popcorn at the movies, a game at the local fair, or even a movie rental via Redbox or Amazon. He may still go ahead and pay himself, but it's the thought that counts -- and he will certainly appreciate the thought. It demonstrates to the guy that she's invested -- whether emotionally, mentally, or financially. However, each person's financial situation ought to be considered. If either is strapped for cash -- maybe they recently got laid off -- it's only fair for the other to step up for the time being. Some women are certainly more ...

How dating and marriage differ

My wife and I have been together for 12-and-a-half years, of which over three have been as a married couple. I often reflect on the beginning of the relationship, which was surely a magical time. We were both juniors in college with ample butterflies in our stomachs. Our relationship came as something of a surprise, as we had met in the 6th grade and didn't see or speak to one another again until the year we hooked up -- which, by the way, came almost a decade later after reconnecting on MySpace! Now that we've been married and living together for several years, it's easy to see how different things are from the way they were when we got together. Aside from the obvious (e.g., you're not as embarrassed to fart in front of one another), you essentially become a team once you're married -- one that has far more important things to worry about than simply choosing what movie to watch or restaurant to dine at. From bills to helping the kids with homework, marri...

Becoming filthy rich isn't hard. Here's how...

That is, if your goal is to become (1) rich in knowledge (2) rich in laughter (3) rich in health (4) rich in family (5) rich in love, and   (6) rich in experiences. Does money buy comfort? Yes. Does it buy security? Yes. Does it buy long-lasting happiness? It could, but that's not always a given. If it were, you wouldn't have wealthy celebrities battling drug and depression problems. Life is about more than money. Material possessions can only bring us so much happiness. Nine times out of ten, I get more enjoyment out of learning new things through a great book, compelling documentary, or visit to the museum than I do buying shirts, household appliances, and other stuff I might not even need. There are so many great things money can't buy. You can't put a price tag on the love shared between friends and family. You can't monetize laughter, especially not the kind that makes tears come out of your eyes. And you certainly can't appraise simple, every...

What would the older you tell the younger you?

If you were to write a note or letter to a much younger version of yourself -- say, your teenage self -- what would it say? Which life lessons or tips would you be sure to incorporate? Here are a couple that I would include: Enjoy your college years to the fullest. Once you graduate, you'll be entering the not-so-fun world of bills and responsibilities. Don't rush to find love. It's better to take it nice and slow. You don't want to feel like you trudged through a significant chunk of your life with someone who turned out a poor fit. As you get older, you'll encounter people at work and elsewhere who will try to get you to change. If you don't drink, you'll run into people who will pressure you to do so. They'll also question things like why you aren't married, why you don't have kids, why you're so reserved, why you didn't become a doctor or lawyer, and so on. What should you do? Never give in, of course. If people can'...

Here's a DISTURBING trend in society about money

This week, two women at my company rejoiced in the fact that Friday was pay day. The jubilation was short lived, however, because they then realized and related that every cent would have to be used toward their mounting heap of bills. I find it utterly disturbing that people are so deep in the hole as to be unable to put any money into savings. People who find themselves in such dire financial straits tend to be undisciplined when it comes to saving money. To be fair, certain unfavorable life circumstances some people face at a young age -- from parents getting divorced to an unexpected pregnancy to drug abuse -- don't exactly plant the seeds for financial prosperity. But I have no pity for those who are in such a pickle as a result of reckless spending habits. I've beaten this topic to death on my blog, but it's worth repeating: One should always strive to live within -- or, even better, below -- his or her means. If money is tight, stay in and cook rather tha...