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Showing posts with the label break up

3 can't-miss tips for handling rejection

We've all been there: We tell someone we're drawn to them romantically, but it turns out they don't feel the same way. If someone isn't interested in a relationship with you, it can be pretty upsetting, especially if you've imagined hooking up with them for quite some time. Once you know the feelings aren't mutual, what should you do? Below are a couple of suggestions for dealing with rejection. (Note that many of these tips also work in the event that someone breaks up with you.) 1. Don't beg for another chance. If they've told or shown you they're not interested -- whether it's because they are taken, wish to remain single, or see you only as a friend, the worst thing you can do is press the issue further. This can be viewed as stalking or harassment, and the last thing you want is to ruffle the feathers of his or her partner, family or friends -- let alone get in trouble with the law. 2. Don't mope around at home or elsewhere...

Venting out your anger doesn't work. Here's why...

Contrary to popular belief, venting our frustrations in an overtly aggressive or hostile way -- whether by puncturing a pillow with a knife, punching a wall, or screaming at your neighbor -- doesn't help us feel better. If anything, it has the opposite effect. Studies have found we feel even more upset after doing these things. Engaging in aggressive or destructive behaviors when we're upset not only adversely endangers our well-being, but it potentially puts others at risk. Some people have been known to get wasted and drive erratically after some disappointing event, whether it's a fight with their boss that ultimately led to their being fired or having their partner break up with them unexpectedly. You can only imagine how terrible the consequences of such reckless acts. Once it has all passed, we experience a host of emotions ranging from regret to shame. Instead of reaching for a knife or bottle, there are other things we can do to channel our anger in more constru...

CAN'T-MISS tips for getting over a breakup

Most of us have been there at some point or another: You're in a relationship with someone, head over heels in love and convinced you have the makings of a fruitful marriage. Then, one day the two of you have a misunderstanding of some sort or an intense argument that either spells the end of the relationship or serves as the first of many spats to come. In the latter case, the relationship gets weaker and weaker over time until it becomes apparent that it has eroded into nothing. Naturally, we're going to feel unhappy, depressed, even lost for some time after the breakup. Some find it very hard to cope with the reality that the person they thought they might be with for the rest of their life is out of the picture for good. But it doesn't all have to be gloom and doom. What follows are three fantastic tips that will help you get back on your feet. Even if you've never  had to deal with a breakup, you'll want to read these tips should you ever find yourself in t...