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Showing posts with the label funny

Does caring less make others more attractive?

It's a question asked of me quite often. In the rough-and-tumble that is the dating world, do you stand out if you actually care less? Well, that depends on the people we're dealing with. Take a blonde bombshell who gets asked out all the time, with guys buying her flowers and candy left and right. Then, out of nowhere comes an attractive guy who isn't swooning over her. Though friendly, he treats her as he would any other woman he meets. She doesn't know for sure whether he's interested in her -- something she, quite frankly, is unaccustomed to -- and that piques her interest. The guy is effectively posing a challenge, and she's compelled to unearth why he doesn't allow himself to be made putty in her hands like all the other chumps do. That being said, giving off a more non-chalant vibe might work when the target is very attractive and has no shortage of options to choose from. Some people perceive those who give them the cold shoulder to...

This is attractive, but so often gets overlooked

If I asked what you thought to be an attractive attribute in a person -- one that doesn't get as much recognition as it merits -- what would you say? While everyone's taste varies, I'd say that intelligence -- a trait that, in my estimation, makes someone much more attractive and likeable -- tends to gets the shaft.  Check out online dating profiles and you'll see that people state they are looking for someone who embodies these characteristics: Sweet Fun Funny  Adventurous  Romantic  Kind Affectionate Faithful Honest Communicative While these are all great qualities to possess in their own right, why is intelligence not a more highly desired trait? The truth of the matter is that there are probably a lot more people who long for brains than they let on -- just as there are probably more chubby chasers in the world than we think. However, society has brainwashed many people into equating intelligence with nerdiness. And when they t...

Ladies: Want to look more attractive? Do THIS...

University of Rochester researchers discovered that women who wear red may be more attractive to men. The study featured various experiments in which groups of about 30 male undergrads looked at black-and-white headshots of a young woman standing against either a white, green, red, gray, or blue background. Results indicated that the men perceived women standing in front of a red backdrop as more attractive and more sexually attractive, and were more likely to want to date them. Moreover, when men were asked to point out what factored into their attractiveness rating, few mentioned the background color, suggesting that the preference for red is subconscious. Red is also a color we not only associate with boldness, energy, and sexiness (think lipstick), but love: Think about how often you see red roses and red boxes of chocolates on Valentine's Day. I've also heard that those driving red cars generally get more speeding tickets. There you have it, ladies. If you want t...