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Showing posts with the label Leggings

Do people like to be checked out at the gym?

If you've ever gone to the gym to exercise (as most of us have at least a couple of times), you've checked someone out, been checked out, or both. The question is: Do people like to be checked out at the gym? Here's my take: I think most people wouldn't mind being checked out so long as it isn't done in an obnoxious, intrusive way. Gymgoers put headphones on to listen to music, yes, but many of them also do it to deter others from striking up unsolicited conversations with them. While exercising, we're tired, sweaty, out of breath -- needless to say, we're not exactly looking our best. Sure, some people couldn't care less and resolve to find attractive men or women showing ample skin. Is it fair to say that people who show up in tight leggings or muscle-baring shirts are deliberately asking to be checked out?  That may very well be the case. Who wouldn't be flattered to know that others find them physically attractive? If you have a gre...

Schools want to ban THIS, and many girls are furious

Schools across the country are putting a ban on leggings, and it seems students and parents alike are divided on the issue. I'll be totally sincere: As a man, I love seeing women in leggings. They help accentuate the contours of a woman's lower body. If a woman has nice thighs and a great butt, leggings certainly help showcase them. I have a hard time looking away when I see women in them at the gym. I would imagine by now they know it attracts male attention, thus one of the reasons they wear them in the first place. Now, do I think girls in middle school and high school should wear them? When trying to answer this question, I imagine having a daughter wearing them to school and receiving the kind of male attention I described above. Naturally, it makes me uneasy. The issue is that a lot of women seem to wear leggings that look awfully tight on them -- so tight, in fact, that they ride up on their crotches and/or butts. Or, you could even see the woman's underwea...